Sunday, October 11, 2009

Inside your head / on the floor

"Of course it is happening inside your head...but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" - Albus Dumbledore
I'm gonna slam that in the face of my psychiatrist!

No, I'm not, but it shows that I'm at least not more delusional than Rowling, right? Right?!?

And we were talking about how to spell dyslexia, cuz E sent me a text here a while ago where she had spelled it "dysilexia" or something like that...
E: Don't you hear that silent I?
Me: No, I don't hear silent Is, honey!

But I do hear silent Hs, as in  "honestly". Honestly, I do!

And we shared a bed, since we're too lazy to find a mattress and she insisted on sleeping outmost, even though she constantly either throws down her covers or falls out herself...
Me: Come a bit closer here, then, so you don't fall out.
E: Yeah, I'm just gonna turn over here. *Thunk!*
Me *leaning over the edge to see her sprawled out on the floor, shaking with laughter*: Did you survive?
E: Yes, but I hit my foot!

Problems, if you ask me. XD

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