Monday, November 3, 2008

When the going gets tough...

...My hair gets short. It's true, when I'm doubting myself and don'tr know wht to do with my life, I want to have short hair and so it ends up.

A little hair-story:
Spring 05 - Long (almost so I could sit on it), thin after being in a pony-tail 24/7 for at leat two years, brownish.
Autumn 05 - Cuts it 1 cm short over all, do nothing wwith it on a dayly basis.
Spring 07 - Just hangs there, straw-coloured.
Aug. 07 - Different leights, longest is in the back of my neck, fiery red.
Dec. 07 - Brown, cuts it so all have the same lenght.
Feb. 08 - Brown, almost shoulderlenght.
Spring 08 - Brown, almost shoulderlenght with fringe.
Jul. 08 - Blond, straight with fringe.
Sep. 08 - Blond, curly shoulderlenght with fringe.
Oct. 08 - Blond, curly/frizzy bob.
Nov. 08 - Boyish short like P!nk or Rihanna.

Boring? I know, but when you grow up with Full House and adores Jessie, you get a bit crazy about your hair =)

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