Sunday, January 11, 2009

Irish=cutest thing in the world!

Watched half of P.S. I love you, but the dvd-player fucked up, then we got the other one and tried watching it on the other TV, but it still didn't cooperate. We ended up watching Wall-E, which is beyond cute, but also scary cuz it's that way we are going!

But what I was going to say, was QUOTING FROM MEMORY:
*A couple, they are kissing and talking*
*He looks down between them, like he have lost something*
She: Do you miss anything?
He: Me balls, they were here a minute ago.

That's just the best bloody line I've heard in a decade and the way he said it... *Swoon!*
I can't help it if I'm attracted to everything that comes reeking in from the British Isles!

Actual thing (From IMDb):
Gerry Kennedy: I'm sorry I said the wrong thing to your mother. God, I still get nervous around her. I still think after nine years she doesn't like me. I know I'm being stupid.
Holly Kennedy: No, you're not being stupid baby. She doesn't like you.
Gerry Kennedy: Really? I kinda thought deep down she really loved me.
Holly Kennedy: No... she doesn't. I was ninteen when we got married. You corrupted me with sex and charm and the longer it takes you to make your fortune the less sexy and charming you are.
Gerry Kennedy: [Gerry starts looking for something]
Holly Kennedy: What? What are you looking for?
Gerry Kennedy: My balls. They were hanging there a minute ago.

Liked my rendering better...

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