Thursday, July 2, 2009

"The fact that Twilight sold millions of copies worldwide just means that people were screwing like bunnies ten years ago and don't know the meaning of 'condoms', 'birth control', and 'morning-after pills'."

Not mine, someone signature on dA, but it's true!


I just found out what the horrid smell in the kitchen is. I've checked the trash, the dishwasher, the empty juice-cartons, everything logical that could start smelling in the heat, with no luck.
Now I saw one of the cats had decided the corner was a nice place for a poop. Purrfect! It's mostly my own fault for locking them in at night, but I thought they would do their business outside before I closed the doors. Argh, just have to clean it up... Blah!


"You're on a broom for a long time, like a few hours at a go," Grint grinned. "You're literally sitting on a broom and it gets a little bit sore down under a bit. It's been fun, but it's quite hard work." -- Harry Potter' Cast Reveal The Secrets Of Quidditch
That's the nice way of saying it literary is a pain in the arse. Oh, Rupert, let me massage your sore balls... Uh, what? I didn't say anything!

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