Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hung over...

Well, a bit, at least. Had a party last night and six of the guests slept over, so now the guestroom reeks of Hugo Boss. You see, the guy that slept here last night with his girlfriend (no, they didn't shag) use a lot of it. All in all it was a lot of fun with music and pizza and other stuff.

Was also fun today, us four girls talked of girly things and the two lads tried not listening, I think. Later, when just two of us were left we googled Gerard Butthair - sorry, Butler and went through all fifty or so pages of pictures and drooled. By the way, I knew he is Scottish, it's completely clear for me, but I managed to get it into my head that he was Irish after watching PS I love you. Anyway he's sex on a stick. :D

So now I'll just try staying conscious for a while longer so I can go properly to bed and get some sweet, sweet sleep (try saying that fast three times in a row!) and enjoy myself then.

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