Friday, August 14, 2009

I know Bono!

No, I don't, but I do know someone who looks damn like him with sunglasses! She (yup, a girl) took on a pair of brown sunglasses she had bought recently and my first response was "you look like Bono."

It was actually a compliment, as far as comparing a sixteen year old girl with a middle-aged man goes. With her dark hair pulled back and such it was... Too bad I didn't get a picture of it. 

Listening to Johnny Cash and the start of A Thing Called Love reminds me of Jamie. Yes, everything does now, but if you take a look at the lyrics:

Six foot six stood on the ground, weighted 235 pounds

But I saw that giant of a man brought down to his knees by love

It's pretty much Jamie in a cracked nutshell. By the way, when he had the fight with his sister Jenny I just wanted to jump into the book and tell him to shut the fuck up for two minutes and hear her out. But we love them for the temper!


Blast from the past

1 comment:

Elise said...

Hey!!! I can do it one more time if you want... kinda? I miss U!