Monday, February 9, 2009

An interesting day

First I have to tell you about my friend's new curse word: Mommy! With variations like "Mommy, I'm gonna die!" and "Mommy's gonna kill me!" The reason? She's addicted to playing Super Mario on the pc, as is the rest of her class. And when she dies on the game, a smack on the head is appropriate. When she almost dies or thinks she'll die, it's usually "Mommy!" Yes, we're like in (the equal to) high school.
Or, another funny ejaculation (pun intended): Lordipants! When she said it the first time, my mind instantly went to this:

By the way, I'm not wearing underwear now. Not that you prob.... Stopping quotation now. Anyway, it was a combination of not having done much laundry lately and lot wanting a string up my arse while I sleep... (Yes, I'll go to bed soon!)

While we're at it:

Well, on to the rest of the day:
- Dentist-appointment at 8.15 in the morning. Fun...
- Fell asleep when I got home and was supposed to take a shower. Yes, I know my bed and the bathroom are on different floors.
- After extensive nagging in the form of fierce text messages from my friend I got up. The last I send was something like "can I get my trousers on first?!?". Then, when I'm on the bus, she wanted reports every five minutes, where I at last replied "Merlin! I'm stepping off the bus now." Too much Potter, I know. At last I got to school, so thanks to her the day wasn't completely wasted!
- I was supposed to go to class. I got to the hall outside the classroom. The rest of my classmates were there. I suddenly get what I would describe as an angst attack and can't go in, instead sneaks away. The bloody, fucky, stupid, screwed up reason? Charlie! I have serious issues...
- Goes home to my friend to help her with some homework, one of which was to write a story. 
      Quote 1:
Me: So, as a suggestion, you could put in a helpful father or older brother.
Friend: Then it's brother. What'll he be named...?
Me, thinking and almost saying: If you type Gerry now, I'll flip out. (You know, cuz that would be three.)
Friend: *Types Charlie.*
Me: Oh, you... *Grabs hold of her foot and tries to tickle* Be ticklish, then! *Moves up to her stomach and finally gets some response!*
     Quote 2:
Friend: *types* "... Many other have had troubles with liking the same guy."
Me: Is he talking from own experience?
Friend: No, he's not gay. Or is he, is Charlie gay?!
Me: Oh... *Turns away and squirms from the visions in my mind.*

Friend, stop laughing now or the teacher think'll you're having some kind of seizure! Yes, I know you a bit to well...

That'll lead me onto a completely different subject: fan fictions. The kinky kind. It's tons of Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Percy/Oliver and even Bill/Ginny and Bill/Charlie (excuse me while I throw up!), but it's a lot of cannon couples that are completely neglected!
Fine, few gets what I'm talking about and it's not gonna change...

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