Or, another funny ejaculation (pun intended): Lordipants! When she said it the first time, my mind instantly went to this:
By the way, I'm not wearing underwear now. Not that you prob.... Stopping quotation now. Anyway, it was a combination of not having done much laundry lately and lot wanting a string up my arse while I sleep... (Yes, I'll go to bed soon!)
While we're at it:
Well, on to the rest of the day:
- Dentist-appointment at 8.15 in the morning. Fun...
- Fell asleep when I got home and was supposed to take a shower. Yes, I know my bed and the bathroom are on different floors.
- After extensive nagging in the form of fierce text messages from my friend I got up. The last I send was something like "can I get my trousers on first?!?". Then, when I'm on the bus, she wanted reports every five minutes, where I at last replied "Merlin! I'm stepping off the bus now." Too much Potter, I know. At last I got to school, so thanks to her the day wasn't completely wasted!
- I was supposed to go to class. I got to the hall outside the classroom. The rest of my classmates were there. I suddenly get what I would describe as an angst attack and can't go in, instead sneaks away. The bloody, fucky, stupid, screwed up reason? Charlie! I have serious issues...
- Goes home to my friend to help her with some homework, one of which was to write a story.
Quote 1:
Me: So, as a suggestion, you could put in a helpful father or older brother.
Friend: Then it's brother. What'll he be named...?
Me, thinking and almost saying: If you type Gerry now, I'll flip out. (You know, cuz that would be three.)
Friend: *Types Charlie.*
Me: Oh, you... *Grabs hold of her foot and tries to tickle* Be ticklish, then! *Moves up to her stomach and finally gets some response!*
Quote 2:
Friend: *types* "... Many other have had troubles with liking the same guy."
Me: Is he talking from own experience?
Friend: No, he's not gay. Or is he, is Charlie gay?!
Me: Oh... *Turns away and squirms from the visions in my mind.*
Friend, stop laughing now or the teacher think'll you're having some kind of seizure! Yes, I know you a bit to well...
That'll lead me onto a completely different subject: fan fictions. The kinky kind. It's tons of Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Percy/Oliver and even Bill/Ginny and Bill/Charlie (excuse me while I throw up!), but it's a lot of cannon couples that are completely neglected!
Fine, few gets what I'm talking about and it's not gonna change...
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