Du skal ikke kalle Kalle for Kalle selv om Buggestad kaller Kalle for Kalle, for Kalle heter egentlig Charlie! (You shouldn't call Kalle Kalle even though Buggestand calls Kalle Kalle, cuz Kalle is really named Charlie!)

Pwetty boy wif scars!
Back to my day: after chit-chatting for a while I found the gym! Yay, move my carcass a bit. Was actually fun, I spend two hours there and today I'm pretty soar. My poor thighs... Anyway, gotta brag a bit; took two thousand metres (that's two km I was informed today,) on the rowing machine in exactly eleven and a half minutes! Gonna slam that in the face on everyone 'til I can beat myself. XD
Then, after exhausting myself, I took the bus again, to the cinema! Watched Män som hatar kvinnor. It was good, they have interpreted the book great! Five dots on the dice :) and it's wrong for me to drool so much over Michael Nyquist, he's older than my mother! And so fine. I got problems, I know. They also did a good job with Lisbeth Salander, made her a bit more human which worked nicely. The rape was... Not fun to watch or listen to, *shudder*. And they showed a bit of what's important for the next movie, which I also liked, but I was not pleased with how Zalachenko was cast, but I guess that too will work out...
After that again... Went home and collapsed in front of the telly.
Plus, I've geeked out on Wikipedia again and to all you women; Yes, we have to put up with periods, birth-giving, having a ten-pound nipple-sucking monster and all that shizz, but we also have longer orgasms than the guys! Hehe.
And now the cat is sitting up in the middle of a fir out here. (And a partridge in a pear tree, lala...) He won't come down and is pretty stuck and will stay that way 'til tomorrow, most likely. Plus, sister of a friend of my mother had her car surrender around here, so we had to help her and... Well, she got going again. Probably have to rent a lift tomorrow to get the damn cat down tomorrow, and I'm going to the hospital to get the result of the test... Everything have to happen at the same time. Sigh....
It's expensive to have a wife, I have experienced. No, we aren't really married or a lesbian couple or anything, just kidding around. Anyway, I'm her bank, giving her money when she needs, which is often... Getting them back in the end and I have enough for myself at the time, so... *yawn*
Did I make you yawn, now? How 'bout now?
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