Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bang bang!

Hehe, good song!

Been at Snadra again, and we forgot the time, so I had to take a taxi home. My mother couldn't pick me up.
Why we forgot the time? I'll let you decide that on your own... X3
When I got home I did something really smart, I sat my skirt on fire with my cigarette! Or maybe not on fire, but I burned a hole in it. Plus, I bought these cool stockings yesterday, stops far up on my my thigh, much more practical than pantyhose, but they tore several places. Looks like I've been to war or something. 
So now I'm sitting here in bra, boxer and stockings with the MacBook on my lap. 
Snadra found out I'm ticklish on my lips, she did this fish-like movement and I started laughing like mad. It was fun.

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