Saturday, February 7, 2009

Babbling, bumbling band of baboons!

Yay for random title!

So, over at deviantArt (my life!) it's a virus going on. It's putting links to fake login-pages and steals IDs just to be bastardist. Pointless of people to use time on developing those things. Anyway, many peoples warn about it in their journals, and one of these made me sit and laugh, almost crying 'til my stomach hurt. The reason: First she warned everybody about not clicking any links, and a couple of lines below she placed a link! (To a news site at dA, but still...) It seemed a bit... not to well thought about. But I don't blame her or try to make fun of her, I'm as good as in love with her.... Okay, that sounded wrong and pathetic, forget it. Well, I admire her works, just so you know!

And in my real life: Not much going on, besides that I'm doing an excellent job of flushing it down the toilet... And I've started smoking again!! On a daily base. I'm sorry, but I'm addicted. Which is really sad.
And me friend here read last post out loud for me and when she got to "snotty brat" we got like "Yeah... What part of Ireland did you say you were from?". She suddenly outdid herself on the Irish accent. Where she have got it from, none of us understand, but it is there! 

And I've finished the Stig Larsson-books. They were... Books. Lisbeth Salander, nice girl, lives her life exactly the way she wants to. Michael Blomkvist, charming guy, works hard and do as he wants to. Monica Figuerola, nice as a cop, okay as a person, hate her as a woman. When she and Michael slept together, oh it made me so mad I hardly managed to read on! What do they have in common? He don't fit with her at all! I'm not saying he should have ended up with Lisbeth, or Erica Berger for that matter. He could have gone on as a bachelor, seeing a girl every now and then.

But, quote:
Erica Berger: I'm happy.
Michael Blomkvist: And I'm going to the bathroom.
Random and nice, the way I like it!

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