Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My new goal:

Okay, I can blame the Outlander-books for this, but that's not really important... My new goal is to find a Scot and have a lively discussion with him (or her, if it's a shortage of blokes) about the colour of the sky!

I have a resonable good reason for it too: Jamie (yes, the glorious James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser!) made a comment somewhere along the way about how it's not possible to get two Scots to agree on much besides the colour of the sky, and even that's up for questions sometimes.

And it is, isn't it? The sky isn't just a monogamous blue, it shifts from the lightest turquis in the morning to lead-grey in storm, plain dark blue-grey, white or grey if it's cloudy and don't forget just before dawn and sunset, where you can find orange, gold, aprocot (not the fruit, though,) pink, indigo... There's no end to it!

So with that small mind-twister, I'll leave you and continue to eat my cold porridge. Yes, I feel quite well, thanks for asking. :D


Recap from July 18:

"I want a time-machine! I don't care if it's á la Jules Verne, a flying Delorean or a Time-Turner, I want to go back, smack myself in the head and nick some tickets to that freakin' premiere! "

Or I might go out and see if there's any stone circles hanging about! XD

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