Monday, September 14, 2009

My ship is loaded with

Some of my friends had started a round with it on Facebook, and I had to join in a bit. The funny part is how much of the things reminded me of  Jamie Fraser...

I said Indians on purpose, because Jamie & co are meeting with some at the moment. (Where I am reading, at least.)

E said hunters, and that I should watch my Indians. Well... Jamie is a class A hunter and had just shot an elk, before falling down and putting his back out of joint. Very cleaver when it's snowing and no one knows where you are. Luckily Claire isn't the kind of woman to just sit and wait at home while he freezes to death.

A said cannons, which leads us directly to Voyager and the ships there.

E then said land crabs, something Jamie also is a class A example of, he goes green if he as much as sees a boat.

E said oil and A said paraffin, which leads me to think of turpentine and Jocasta MacKenzie's plantation.

E also said spaceships, which reminded me of Pigfarts, but that don't have anything to do with Jamie. XD

Yeah, I think that was all. Slightly obsessed about Jamie, maybe? Keep dreaming about him, but it's only the shortest of moments and I often see Claire or even Murtagh more clearly! That annoys me quite a bit... Anyway, because I'm sick now I managed to fall asleep and dream I was Claire (I remember the hair vividly) and we (me and Jamie, in case it should be any confusion here) ate potato salad. How random and nice.

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