Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Fun on google maps!
Fraser Park in Inverness. I have a strange need to go there... XD And there's an airport in Inverness, too... *Planning*
I might just move there. :P
Saturday, December 12, 2009
More like "Hello, real-life Hermione Granger!" than "FML" if you ask me. Get a frickin' sense of humour! XD
Friday, November 20, 2009
Time to blag!
Yes, I just came up with a new word combining "blog" and "brag", I'm such a genius!
Well, on to the topic: I'm going away on a lovely hospital stay for at least four weeks, jolly me, but two things lightens it a bit: I got An Echo in the Bone in the mail today, and got a "good luck" wish from James Phelps via Twitter. I feel a bit important now, hehe.
Monday, November 16, 2009
This is apparently not something a seventeen year old girl wants to be compaired to. I can't see the problem in that, except twincest is wrong...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Our soundtrack
Don't know where this would fit in, but goodness, is it true!
Okay, don't know where this'll go either, but it's too good to pass up ;) If you change Denmark with Scotland, then we're getting somewhere!
Fine, this is turning into just a bunch of random songs, I'll get back on track soon...
Cuz you know that's how we feel! XP
For when you're having your kid with Zefron! Or Gerry or whoever you currently plan on shagging...
For the next time you plan on laying on the edge and leave room for a whole other frickin' person between us!
Can hardly listen to this without beginning to cry and, well, I'm the DJ here now, so then I'm taking it.
Didn't think anything else, did you? :P
Us in ten years, trust me!
Have to be a bit educational too, you know. XD
Complete unrelated, but very cute! Especially the Belfast one!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sometimes we're genius...
... Sometimes we're not.
E: What's the opposite of disappear?
Me (slightly annoyed): Appear!... Honestly, you just remove the dis...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Swine flu
Chaos in the Ukraine? I wouldn't call 60 dead a crisis, there's more people being kicked to death by donkeys yearly, if I'm not greatly mistaken. 200,000 ill isn't exactly great, I'm not saying that, especially with 7,500 of them being commited to hospital, but honetly! It's complete hysteria!
Compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918/1919, which killed between 40-100 million people, I think we can calm down a tad! The bacon cold isn't even close to the asian flu, (which killed between 1-4 million people), having a total killing rate of just over six thousand as of today. And the common flu kills a minimum of four thousand every week.
They have been shouting dead and doom and all hell's fire on us with SARS and avian flu and god knows what else for years now, and I don't know about you, but I'm still alive.
So can we just calm the fuck down, everyone!?!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Charlie in the movies
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Inside your head / on the floor
I'm gonna slam that in the face of my psychiatrist!
No, I'm not, but it shows that I'm at least not more delusional than Rowling, right? Right?!?
And we were talking about how to spell dyslexia, cuz E sent me a text here a while ago where she had spelled it "dysilexia" or something like that...
E: Don't you hear that silent I?
Me: No, I don't hear silent Is, honey!
But I do hear silent Hs, as in "honestly". Honestly, I do!
And we shared a bed, since we're too lazy to find a mattress and she insisted on sleeping outmost, even though she constantly either throws down her covers or falls out herself...
Me: Come a bit closer here, then, so you don't fall out.
E: Yeah, I'm just gonna turn over here. *Thunk!*
Me *leaning over the edge to see her sprawled out on the floor, shaking with laughter*: Did you survive?
E: Yes, but I hit my foot!
Problems, if you ask me. XD
Friday, October 9, 2009
Also, it's the big Twin Talk days now, I don't know how many things we've (me and E) have said together the last few days... One of the funnier had to be after dinner and we both looked at each other and "Thanks for the food!" in complete sync. Yay pizza, by the way!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alternatively: I bought a cupcake for us to share, but you ate the whole damn thing!
Yes, "share" is not in someone's dictionary. Just as "eat up or the others will take all the cake" isn't in someone elses. But I did get cake today! That's what grandmothers are for! :D
Talking of, the strangest thing happened! My Grandmother have actually bought a spinning-bike now and have it in the room where I dreamt she had it! Freaky! But it did not play music and my admirer did not show up, which is good all the same, I'd get scared out of my skin if he had managed to track me down. On the other hand, he is Irish... Well, it wouldn't be the best of timings, with me being at my grandparents. Hm...
And it is apparently more flattering to be compared with Hagrid than your boyfriend's ex. Go figure... XD
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
In Scotland
"In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes." - Billy Connolly
Sounds familiar? Damn, he stole our proverb! Talking of weather, it's gloriously raining here, while further up (both north and higher mountain-like) it's snowing. Much as I detest winter, it might as well come properly, it's not that much fun with autumn.
Another thing that struck me, would you call a young Scotsman a Scotlad? A Scotlad from Scotland? XD
Well, the reason for my sudden interest in Mr. Connolly:
To be born and raised in Glasgow, Connolly sure sounds like a Sassenach. But then again, Gerry's accent is a thick as week-old parritch here. I'd marry that man, if there was a chance. Yes, I know he's almost as old as my mother, but I don't fucking care! (I'm talking about Gerry here, but given the chance I probably would take a night with Billy too, he's got more than charm enough.)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
More strange dreams
First, I was at my Grandmother's. Second, I was playing music... On a spinning bike! Yup, that's the new instrument of the year! I have no idea how I did it, but I somehow read some notes and played Christmas carols by stepping on the pedals in a particular way.
Then, again, a sex dream... Now in my old house, my parents' bed and with a guy I have no idea who was. He was there while I played on the bike, too. Basically, he was pale, not particulary blessed about the hair and not fit, but not exactly fat either. Bugged me who he was until I entered the glorious world of Facebook before my breakfast and discovered that "bloody hell, it's him!" My (not-so-)secret Irish admirer which I have added as a friend for fun's sake. Creepy? He calls me pretty and I start having dreams about him? Not in a romantic way, though, sex is just sex for me.
Anyway, I've been having a lot of strange dreams lately and it probably answers to having a very full head, as of the last weeks. Won't get to empty it before school starts again, though, ironically enough... Tell you more about that when it is something to tell.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I dreamt
It was in my old room, me and some guy, getting intimate in one way and another. That's fine, I have nothing against that, what troubles me is that I have no idea if it was Axel, Brody, Fergus, or bloody Voldemort in the for of Joe Walker... Most likely a combination... All I really remember is that he was fair-skinned, slim and dark-haired. It's starting to get on my nerves.
Found at the Kilt Blog! Love that site at the moment.
And some more from Google:
I could complain, but I don't think I'll bother... Okay then, the picture is taken a second to early and from the wrong angle, but I guess porn doesn't show up on Google X3
Beam me up, Scotty!Monty Python continues to be the kings of comedy!
Okay, my bad, go to fotoflingscotland.com for more kilts! XD
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A bit of win, a bit of fail
The FAIL part, which I had everything to do with:
*Walking to the bus stop*
Me *stops dead*: Shit, I forgot my book! I forgot my Jamie-book, in the locker! NO! *Slides down in a heap on the sidewalk before getting a bit of a grip on myself* Well, okay, then... No, I have to go back and get it, okay? If it was just a weekend it would be okay, but it'll be a week 'til school again, I can't go a week without Jamie!
E: Okay....
Me: Okay, so I'll just go and get it and you can take the bus now and I'll come with the next and--
E: I'll be at the library in the meantime.
Me: Libra--? Oh, yeah, I'll just go and get it! *Runs back to school* I'm not addicted or anything!
Obsessed? No, not the slightest... It would just suck major donkey balls to go nine days without even the possibility of reading. And I must say I was pretty stupid to leave my bag in the locker, thinking there was nothing there I needed and not remembering it before we were almost at the bus stop. At least I remembered it before we got on the bus!
I also "stormed" into a class I'm not supposed to have just because they were going to watch The Last King of Scotland and I needed to hear some Scottish. Can never get enough Scottish, you know. XD
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My blankie!
But did I get to keep my cover? No... She decided to kick her own down on the floor and take mine. Worked fine for a while when we both curled up under it, but then she decided she wanted it all by herself and yanked hard! I yanked back, because it was my goddamn duvet!
Yank here, yank there, yank back again... After a while she realised it wasn't hers, and began looking for the other and luckily found it again on the floor so we could sleep some more. How long we've been sharing that one duvet we still have no idea, but it had to be a while.
We also had some fun before falling asleep, which left me writhling against the wall. No, all she did was a rather poor imitation of Gerard Butler, but it was hilarious at the time. And I was tired enough to have a very vivid imagination and the thought of being in bed with Gerry-boy was enough to almost make me hyperventilate from laughter. Yep, it's called being pathetic.
Now, some Irish music!
This almost made me cry the first time I listened to it, because after reading Outlander and stuff I've really realised that history, that happened to people! And even though this is Irish history, it have every ounce of the same emotions involved as the happenings on Culloden in Scotland.
And some happy music:
Since I can't say "kiss me, I'm Irish" I can still say "kiss me, you're Irish!" Works even better, if you ask me!
Friday, September 18, 2009
This made me happy!

This made me very, very happy, indeed! Complete stranger on Facebook, but I thought it was very sweet, spelling nothwithstanding.
Watch us fail big time!
Like anyone was actually interested in seeing that... Well, we found it very funny, at least! Too bad I didn't get to record the whole make up session, I only remembered halfway through and then the cam stopped working. Oh, well...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My new goal:
Okay, I can blame the Outlander-books for this, but that's not really important... My new goal is to find a Scot and have a lively discussion with him (or her, if it's a shortage of blokes) about the colour of the sky!
I have a resonable good reason for it too: Jamie (yes, the glorious James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser!) made a comment somewhere along the way about how it's not possible to get two Scots to agree on much besides the colour of the sky, and even that's up for questions sometimes.
And it is, isn't it? The sky isn't just a monogamous blue, it shifts from the lightest turquis in the morning to lead-grey in storm, plain dark blue-grey, white or grey if it's cloudy and don't forget just before dawn and sunset, where you can find orange, gold, aprocot (not the fruit, though,) pink, indigo... There's no end to it!
So with that small mind-twister, I'll leave you and continue to eat my cold porridge. Yes, I feel quite well, thanks for asking. :D
Recap from July 18:
"I want a time-machine! I don't care if it's á la Jules Verne, a flying Delorean or a Time-Turner, I want to go back, smack myself in the head and nick some tickets to that freakin' premiere! "
Or I might go out and see if there's any stone circles hanging about! XD
Monday, September 14, 2009
My ship is loaded with
Some of my friends had started a round with it on Facebook, and I had to join in a bit. The funny part is how much of the things reminded me of Jamie Fraser...
I said Indians on purpose, because Jamie & co are meeting with some at the moment. (Where I am reading, at least.)
E said hunters, and that I should watch my Indians. Well... Jamie is a class A hunter and had just shot an elk, before falling down and putting his back out of joint. Very cleaver when it's snowing and no one knows where you are. Luckily Claire isn't the kind of woman to just sit and wait at home while he freezes to death.
A said cannons, which leads us directly to Voyager and the ships there.
E then said land crabs, something Jamie also is a class A example of, he goes green if he as much as sees a boat.
E said oil and A said paraffin, which leads me to think of turpentine and Jocasta MacKenzie's plantation.
E also said spaceships, which reminded me of Pigfarts, but that don't have anything to do with Jamie. XD
Yeah, I think that was all. Slightly obsessed about Jamie, maybe? Keep dreaming about him, but it's only the shortest of moments and I often see Claire or even Murtagh more clearly! That annoys me quite a bit... Anyway, because I'm sick now I managed to fall asleep and dream I was Claire (I remember the hair vividly) and we (me and Jamie, in case it should be any confusion here) ate potato salad. How random and nice.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Just something I forgot;
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Yoghurt mishaps and some other incidents
I managed to spill my yoghurt on the table today and was just about to get up to get napkins, but luckily (which is very hard to spell right now; kuckely, luckely, etc.) my "wife" had some in her purse. Somehow it made me feel like Frank Randall... I had to ask where she got them, cuz I remember her putting them in there some time ago and it turned out she had snatched them from the cafe last time we went there for lunch. At the time I didn't see why she would bother bringing them, but in hindsight I'm glad she did.
She was also very nice and spilled water down my jeans. Luckily (very funny word today) we were outside, so it didn't matter, but I didn't quite see the point. When I said this, she said she didn't know the bottle was open and when she put it between her legs and squeezed, she "came" all over me...
We talked about Outlander, which isn't anything new exactly, but she mixed Fred and Frank. Not funny to most people, but if you know George (as in Weasley) have been translated to Frank, it is. To me, at least.
Plus... Yeah, we discussed the prononoucing of "neither". She says "naither" while I say "neither" with clean E so to speak. My step-father was nice enough to inform us that is Cockney accent and I plainly went down the stairs shouting "I love cocks!" She voiced in with "me too! Your step-father didn't hear that."
Now we're about to watch Enchanted and soon eat I hope. :D
Okay, so I was wearing a rather old pair of jeans, with long tails of fabric worn off on the bottoms of the legs. A great trip wire, I discovered when I laid sprawled upstairs in the hall.
And time for a little game! Well, not so much a game as a device to pass time. (I should probably put some spoiler warning here; do not proceed if you don't want to know what happens in Outlander and coming books.)
I proudly presents: Failed ways to kill Jamie Fraser!
1. Hang him. Won't do you much good when Claire sweeps in with a horde of cattle to rescue him from the prison.
2. Break his arm and hope an infection festers in the wound. Again, Claire is there to save the day.
3. Shoot him in the head. He's too thick-sculled, that Scot!
4. Make him go berserk on a suicide-mission against the Redcoats. Well, in that case he'll just run like a madman 'til he's behind the English guns, then back again until some greater power sees it fitting for him to be cornered. Then, let the officer who plans on banging his head off recognise him and he'll be well on his way back to Lallybroch and Jenny Murray, a force stronger than nasty germs.
Anyone have more to add?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm blogging now!
Yeah, that wasn't obvious at all... Don't really have anything to say, I'm too busy reading Voyager, of the Outlander series. Third book and I'm soon finished... Seems a bit of a waste to sail halfway around the globe, for a seasick man nonetheless, to hunt down a single lad. Well, some other things got in the way too, but otherwise they could sought refurgee in France or something. Yeah, I find that part of the plot a trifle thin, but I'll just roll with it. (Sorry if I spoiled anything for anyone.)
And the day I'll understand men, the sun will surely be setting in the east.
Um... That's all then.
No, it's not! The original title of this should be Bare-arsed in the bog but stupid as I am, I forgot!
Anyway, we're having a project at school now, which includes a trip out on the boggy bog. Fine, wellington boots are a must and E took it all the way and showed up in waders. It might seem as a bit of an overkill, but it was the only thing she had, and good riddance that was too!
She stepped directly into a suckish hole, which, logically enough, suck her down 'til she had water up to her knee and well over I think. Thanks to the glorious, green waders she stayed dry, but it was a bit of work to haul her up again. As the hole generated a nice vacuum, the boot stayed put while her leg made some progress upwards.
As it was, the waders were firmly tied to her jeans. Which didn't follow her leg and my pulling any more than the boot and it was a near thing not the entire class got a nice view of her pale, bare arse in the middle of searching for plants. (Sorry, but there's a scarce supply of white women with tanned arses, the truth!)
We did get her out of there in the end though, properly clothed and dry, and another nice story to tell. :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I haven't been drinking, but it fucking feels like it. Watched 300, Dracula 2001 and RocknRolla today, and I'm still not tired of Gerard Butler. Pure sex all the way. I'm not gonna lie, the way he talks in Dracula got me turned on like hell!
Gonna squeeze in some reading before I turn in and leave the blogging for tomorrow... The popcorn party was fun, but I'm a bit bruised, turned out popcorn makes floor slippery and high heels isn't the best match if you're trying to keep on your feet.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Yeah, someone came with that exclaimation today, in a rather Irish accent. And it wasn't me.
Reminds me, we had a kind of "listen and place the people" thing in English today. I took three of them just on the name. As long as we're driving on stereotypes, Hamish McDonald would be Scottish, Seamus Sweeney would be Irish and the chick with an Indy-sounding name would be from India. Frankly, in real life they could have been from the States or any other place, but I figured they took it the safe way. Plus, I got a rather hysterical laughter-fit over the Scottish accent, it was just... Well, I've been reading more Outlander books, have started on the third now, so I'm getting more and more fond of Scotland by the minute. Fonder, is that a word?
Think I surprised the teacher a bit by knowing what haggis is. Well, that's thanks to Jamie and that lot. But I seemed unable to say "sheep", it kept coming out as "cheap". Reminds me of when I said I would go "Christmas chopping". Well, the teacher pronounced "come" as "cum", so what do I have to say? He's from Wales, do that help? I think I was the only one who noticed too. Honestly, cum?
My hand also decided that instead of scribbling "long live guesswork" next to a grammar activity I failed at, it wrote "long live Scotland." Uh-hum...
No red baloons now, but this is the 200th post. Shitting, fucking, bloody hell! I've written a lot of hilarity, I've been told. More to come, I hope.
Popcorn party tonight. Basically foam party, but with popcorn! :D
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sex quotes
Because, honestly, the last few days I had a lot of cock-in-mouth moments (like foot-in-mouth, only sex-related).
Me: I have my period.
H: Well, that we needed to know.
Me: Eh, I share my sex life on the net, so -
H: Oh, so you -
Me: Yeah, I do have a sex life! *Everyone else is silent* Yeah, er... Start talking again now.
Pretty embarrasing, but could've been worse.
Me: *Looking in a magazine* Oh, he was good-looking. But then again, everything...
MM: Everything with two legs and a male organ...
Me: Yup, I call everything with two legs and a dick good-looking, and can people stop BEING SO DAMN QUIET!
Again everyone had heard what I've said... At least I managed not to shout out "I hope my period is over soon, cuz I'm goddamn horney!" I whispered it instead...
Honestly, I'm not too picky about the legs either, heartbeat and dick and I'm satisfied. Man, I'm getting desperate! Which is not a good thing. Just have to enjoy Jamie in the meantime.
R: Get me another cup of tea.
E: I'm not a butler!
Me: If you had been, I'd shag you. (Meaning Gerard Butler)
E: If I had been, I'd shag myself!
How that would happen, we didn't exactly know, but wanking in front of a big mirror was suggested, which I have to admit is a weird, but good sex fantasy.
Friday, August 28, 2009
A very disturbing afternoon
First it was as close to normal as it gets, rats or something, so I woke up again, finding that at least one of my uncles were visiting, one of them who never drops by. I went out, through the office to the back, to them to find a girl I've known for about my whole life but never gotten close to and her father also had dropped by. We somehow ended up in the barn to find a lot of bikes, some of them not even having wheels and she commented one of them had a really bad seat, a banana seat as I'm pretty sure it's called.
Then my mother found an old scale (you know the kind that went out of fashion in the 50s) and weighed herself to check if it was still working, which she concluded it wasn't. I almost said something about it was a nice excuse to deny she had got fatter, but didn't. I tried fixing it, without really knowing what the problem was and cut my finger on one of the springs. To keep infections out I pressed it so it would bleed more, but about all that came out was water. After forcing a couple of drops out I was satisfied. And woke up again! [we don't have an exit in the office and not that big of a barn.]
Now I had managed to sleep-walk somewhere and didn't recognise the people around me. They were about my age and mostly guys and it smelled like dinner was around the corner. I took a peek out the window and concluded I know that road, I know that grey box that is a house, because that's where I'm supposed to be!
Stuttering I try to tell one of the guys, the one I guess lives there, my problem and he fills me in on what have happened. I take a seat at the arm of the couch, next to a blonde fellow trying sit a black-haired one to death. I'm invited to join and slips down with a comment about "We're gonna squish him completely" about the black-haired dude. He escapes somehow and me and Blondie are left to stare at each other until he inclines us both down and kiss me. Badly! Barely any lip movement and he literary pushed his spit over in my mouth.
I excuse myself to go to the kitchen and meet the mother, who is indeed cooking some chili or something. I ask if someone have a cigarette I could steal ("bomme") and she says it's just to help myself from the pack on the floor. Not asking why she have her smoke on the floor I kneel down and opens it, finding just butts save for one. Now the mother and (what I again guess to be) aunt and younger sister fiddels around with the dishwasher. I look up to hear baby-noises coming from the door of the open dishwasher. Almost screaming because they are just trying to soothe the baby instead of getting it out, I feel my vision blurring and wake up. [I have no idea who lived up at the farm and doubt they are my age. Plus, the baby-sounds would be related to the kid on the bus today. I also had to save a half-smoked fag because class started before I could finish it today.]
Now I know I'm awake, my head is heavy and I feel quite different. Not that you need to know at all, but if I'm going to tell this, I'm including everything; I stared touching myself. After a short while of that I looked up some anime-vids on youtube, even if I've never been into anime. It wasn't long before I got sick of them always ending with the same clip and slipped down some sort of water-slide, where a fire chased me to the first turn. The board I'm lying on goes pretty fast and I see a big-screen TV which was advertising for Ouran High School. Wanting to know when it was on TV, I hold out my hands to the edges of the slide to stop and the board keeps going while I watch the add, which I reacts on how strangely they pronounce "Ouran". Soon I keep slidling, whithout catching when the show went, and the slide runs dry.
I reach the end and stumbles out, falling flat on my face and wonders how many thinks I'm drunk, something I'm not! I look around and concludes I'm in an indoors petting zoo. After a kid runs off with one of my high-heeled, yellow shoes I wander around the small room and look at the animals. I meet a small boy (who actually looked a lot like one of my classmates. Well, he looks like he's twelve anyway,) and asked if he had taken my shoe. He hadn't, but he did have food for the animals, who had been let out of their cages and now roamed around. I saw black terriers and ferrets (brown, not white ) and some small rat-like things.
Then, a big bird looking like a cross between an ostrich and a pelican came up to me and wanted to have some of the food. It was at least as tall as me and had a beak longer than my arm. A bit scared of these giant bird I back up against the wall and mutters darkly, but loud enough for any of the people working there should hear me. The bird nuzzles it's beak to my hand and I figure he just want companionship and starts petting it. Out of nowhere it sticks the tip of it's beak into my mind and I was rather loud in my reactions. A couple of moments later it stick the beak far into my mind, making me retch several times. "Oh, there's the chocolate milk," is my first reaction when seeing the brown water I gag up, then I get my eyes properly open and dried. Then I see I have vomited on my other shoe, which I managed to step out of somewhere along the way. Again I wake up. [We had about birds in science today, but I had a Common Kestrel, not a pelican!]
A flash tells me my step-father just took a picture of me with his phone. Yup, now I'm really awake, no doubt about it.
Sorry for any typos, I have after all just woken.
And they finally managed to send A Dragonfly in Amber, so I'll be reading this weekend, yay!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Can you handle the sexy?
I mean... *drool* Not sure what's going on, except I'm imaginating pokey nipples in absence of any. I've always liked her as an actor and her together with Gerard, who is simply one of the hottest men out there, well... It's doomed to be sexy!
Now, Jennifer, just turn around and kneel down... *Whistles innocently*
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Outlander meme
(Really just HP meme with other characters!)
00.) Randomly list twelve of your favorite Outlander characters:01.) Jamie Fraser
02.) Murtagh
03.) Claire
04.) Colum MacKenzie
05.) Dougal MacKenzie
06.) Frank
07.) Jack Randall
08.) Jenny
09.) Rupert
10.) Geillis Duncan
11.) Auld Alec
12.) Hamish MacKenzie
01.) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before?
Frank/Alec. Doubt it exists, too weird.
02.) Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Colum. Maybe not hot, but definitively enjoyable.
03.) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Hamish got Jenny knocked up. Heads would roll, literary! Imagine how Jamie would react! Not to mention her husband, the poor lad would have a wooden leg down his throat!
04.) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Can you recommend any?
Rupert. Haven't dared myself into the word of fanfics yet in fear of being spoiled.
05.) Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Murtagh and Frank. You're kidding me?
06.) Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
Dougal/Rupert or Dougal/Geillis. Don't think I have to answer that one, the latter of course! I don't fancy thinking about Rupert with anyone.
07.) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Jack walking in on Murtagh and Hamish having sex. He would probably join them.
08.) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fanfic.
Claire/Geillis. Er... A lost moment while doing something with herbs?
09.) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff fanfic?
Jamie/Jenny. Hm... Not sure if I'm grossed out or turned on, which should be wrong. It's probably out there somewhere...
10.) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic.
Jack/Hamish. Just no.
11.) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?
Colum de-flowering Jamie... Er... Too weird for me and not possible, since, well, you know... Technical problems.
12.) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Jack. That's a stupid question, since it is in canon.
13.) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Claire. Duh!
14.) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Alec. No, I don't think I've ever seen a single picture of him.
14.) Would anyone you know write Two/Four/Five?
Murtagh/Dougal/Colum. My brain just exploded a little.
15.) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Geillis. Have no frickin' idea.
16.) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
Jenny. “Deliver me” by Sarah Brightman, maybe.
17.) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
Jamie/Dougal/Hamish. Warning: Incest, slash, too good to be true.
18.) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two?
Geillis to use on Murtagh? No thanks.
19.) When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Dougal. Haven't dared myself to yet, I told you!
20.) What is Six's super-secret kink?
Frank. That he's really not that different from Jack...
21.) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Alec shag Rupert? Probably, but drunk.
22.) If Three and Seven got together, who would top?
Claire and Jack. Well, that's not happening!
23.) "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
Jamie and Rupert are in a happy relationship until Rupert suddenly runs off with Colum. Jamie, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Alec and a brief unhappy affair with Hamish, then follows the wise advice of Dougal and finds true love with Claire.
About the only thing that's sane is the ending!
24.) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
Jack/Jenny. Pretty pissed off, but not as much as her brother! Oh, I loved that scene when Jamie and Jenny had the fight, except I wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up so she could explain.
Right? XD
Need I say more?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Recap of yesterday:
*Seeing a dude at the gas station*
But that dude did look like a shaved Gerard Butler. Not that that's great, he's one of the few people who can pull off the half-beard and actually look good. We also got talking about how he is with an American accent and "Gerard Butler without Scottish accent is like pizza without cheese!"
We also got asked if we were sisters or something, because we seemed so close and stuff. Yay.

EFF! You-see-kay! I know of one person who stops by here regularly, who the heck are the rest of you? Would hurt if you left a comment, cuz now I got curious as hell! :D
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Some jokes:
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman applied for a job as chauffeur to a rich lady.
'I'm such a good driver,' said The Englishman, 'I can go within six inches of a cliff edge without driving over.'
'I can go within an inch of The edge of a cliff without driving over,' said The Scotsman.
'And how close to The cliff edge can you drive?' The lady asked The Irishman.
'I keep as far away from cliffs with The car as I possibly can,' said The Irishman.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were captured by cannibals and told that If they could not escape, each of them would be skinned and eaten and their skin turned into a canoe. Each was allowed one weapon to help him escape. The Englishman chose a gun but he soon ran out of bullets and was captured. He was skinned, eaten and his skin turned into a canoe. The Scotsman chose a knife but he was soon overpowered by The cannibals. He was skinned, eaten and his skin turned into a canoe. The Irishman asked for a fork.
'A fork?' they said. 'You won't get very far with that.' The Irishman grabbed The fork, pricked himself all over with it and said, 'now try turning my skin into a canoe!'
The Englishman had a big dog and The Irishman and The Scotsman asked him what breed it was.
'It's a cross between a Scotsman, an Irishman and an ape,' said The Englishman. ' In that case,' said The Irishman, 'it's related to all three of us.'
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were forced by a wicked witch to jump over a cliff but their fairy godmother obtained for them a concession that whatever word they spoke before they jumped they would land in.
'Feathers,' said The Englishman, and he landed on a nice soft bed of feathers.
'Cushions,' said The Scotsman, and he landed on a nice big soft cushion.
The Irishman ran up to The edge of The cliff, tripped, and, as he fell over he said, 'Oh shit!'
The Englishman, The Irishman, The Scotsman and The Welshman were in a pub together drinking beer when a fly fell into each of The four glasses. The Englishman threw his beer away. The Irishman picked out The fly and drank The beer. The Welshman threw away his beer but ate The fly. The Scotsman drank his beer but sold his fly to The Welshman.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were invited to a fancy dress ball. They went as Alias, Smith and Jones.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were passengers on board The cross channel ferry when The Englishman fell into The sea.
The Scotsman shouted, 'man overboard, throw in a buoy', so The Irishman grabbed a little lad of eight and threw him overboard.
The Scotsman shouted, 'Not that sort of boy. I meant a cork buoy.'
'How The hell am I supposed to know what part of Ireland he comes from?' said The Irishman.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were captured by The Devil and would be sent to Hell if they could not give him an impossible task to do. Touch The moon,' said The Englishman. The Devil did and The Englishman was sent to Hell. '
'Darken The sun,' said The Scotsman. The Devil did and The Scotsman was sent to Hell.
The Irishman thought for a moment, cleared his throat and spat on The ground. 'Swim in that,' he said to The Devil.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were taking part in a survey about tea-drinking habits.
'I always stir my tea with my left hand,' said The Englishman.
'I always stir my tea with my right hand,' said The Scotsman.
'How about you?' The Irishman was asked.
'Oh me?' said The Irishman, 'I always use a spoon.'
A rich American challenged An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman to drink ten pints of Guinness in ten minutes.
The Englishman tried but could manage only five pints.
The Scotsman did a bit better - he drank seven pints in ten minutes.
The Irishman downed The ten pints in nine minutes and as The American handed over The prize money he remarked. 'I didn't think you could do it.'
'I knew I could,' said The Irishman, 'because I did The same thing in The pub next door a few minutes ago.'
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman bought a bottle of good whiskey and marked The bottle into three clear portions - The one on The top for The Englishman, The one in The middle for The Scotsman and The one on The bottom for The Irishman. They decided to go to bed and drink The whiskey The next day.
However, when they got up The next morning, The Englishman and The Scotsman were dismayed to find that The whiskey was all gone. So they woke The Irishman from his drunken slumbers and asked him to explain.
'I felt like a drink during The night,' said The Irishman, 'so I got up and opened The bottle of whiskey, but I had to drink through your two portions to get to my own.'
The Englishman, The Irishman, The Scotsman, and The Welshman (making a guest appearance in this joke) were all flying together in an airliner. The captain announced that they were losing altitude rapidly and that one of them would have to jump out to save The others.
'I do this for The glory of Scotland,' said The Scotsman and he jumped out.
'We need to lose more weight,' said The captain, so The Welshman shouted ,'I do this for The glory of Wales', and jumped out.
'Sorry,' said The captain, 'I'm afraid we need to lose The weight of just one more person.'
'I do this for The glory of Ireland,' said The Irishman and threw out The Englishman.
These were The last words of our three heroes.
The Englishman: Thank God I die in England.
The Scotsman: Thank God I don't die in England.
The Irishman: How can they make any profit on this stuff at £2 a bottle?
'Wasn't it tragic about my brother Michael,' moaned Kelly. 'Women and whiskey killed him.'
'Is that so?' sympathised OToole.
'Yes, he couldn't get either so he hung himself!'
A man walked into a Melbourne bar and ordered a pint of the dark liquid.
'Excuse me,' said the only other drinker. 'Is that an Irish accent I detect?'
'It is, sir. Dublin to be exact.'
'Bless my soul,' said the first. 'I'm a Dublin man meself. Ballymun to be precise.'
'Bedad, aren't I from Ballymun meself - Carberry Street in actual fact,' remarked the second.
'Carberry Street is where I was born and raised meself, and St Joseph's was me parish church, Father Dunne the parish priest.'
'Didn't I go to nine o'clock mass every Sunday at St Joseph's. What an amazingly small world. Did you go to St Joseph's School?'
'I did. I was in Miss Slattery's class.'
'God in heaven. So was I.'
Just then the phone rang and the Aussie barman said, 'Not too busy at the moment. In fact there's just the Murphy twins here.'
So that'll be a thanks to IrishJokes.co.uk for the laughs!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hung over...
Well, a bit, at least. Had a party last night and six of the guests slept over, so now the guestroom reeks of Hugo Boss. You see, the guy that slept here last night with his girlfriend (no, they didn't shag) use a lot of it. All in all it was a lot of fun with music and pizza and other stuff.
Was also fun today, us four girls talked of girly things and the two lads tried not listening, I think. Later, when just two of us were left we googled Gerard Butthair - sorry, Butler and went through all fifty or so pages of pictures and drooled. By the way, I knew he is Scottish, it's completely clear for me, but I managed to get it into my head that he was Irish after watching PS I love you. Anyway he's sex on a stick. :D
So now I'll just try staying conscious for a while longer so I can go properly to bed and get some sweet, sweet sleep (try saying that fast three times in a row!) and enjoy myself then.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Just look at some of these! *Drool*
Well, maybe not these two fellows. Dude, we can see your balls! That's kinda something you should know, when you're wearing a ski- kilt and nothing under! Is that a Carlsberg?
Mel Gibson. In a kilt. 'Nough said.
No idea who this lad is, but dang! Not bad!
*Brain implode!*
Yeah, I think we shall now!
Having a party tomorrow and I think one of the boys will find himself in my plaid skirt before the night is over. X3
Next fall we're going to Ireland and/or Scotland and get desperately hammered on whiskey and bed as many hot men as possible. Hey, it's not a sin to enjoy sex! (Or maybe it is, but not in my word!)
A Thing Called Love seems to be my new favorite song for the moment, have it on repeat now.
Just one last one:

I know Bono!
No, I don't, but I do know someone who looks damn like him with sunglasses! She (yup, a girl) took on a pair of brown sunglasses she had bought recently and my first response was "you look like Bono."
It was actually a compliment, as far as comparing a sixteen year old girl with a middle-aged man goes. With her dark hair pulled back and such it was... Too bad I didn't get a picture of it.
Listening to Johnny Cash and the start of A Thing Called Love reminds me of Jamie. Yes, everything does now, but if you take a look at the lyrics:
Six foot six stood on the ground, weighted 235 poundsBut I saw that giant of a man brought down to his knees by love
It's pretty much Jamie in a cracked nutshell. By the way, when he had the fight with his sister Jenny I just wanted to jump into the book and tell him to shut the fuck up for two minutes and hear her out. But we love them for the temper!
Blast from the past
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Yup, I've fallen helplessly in love with Scotland! Not that I haven't always had a thing for kilts, but after reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon... Yay! I mean, time-travelling, mid-1700, drama and action, sex, kilts! Yummy!
Basically I guess you can call it housewife porn, but it's bloody brilliant! When it comes to Jamie (James Alexander Malcolm Fraser is his full name, btw), well, how can he not be the wet dream of a thousand woman? Tall, red-headed, blue-eyed, muscles like a bull, stubborn as an ass, magnet for trouble... Well, I'm a bit taken by him, which is of course the idea.
Claire, the heroine, isn't much worse, works/worked as a nurse (hey, that rhymed!) and on several occations stitches Jamie-boy up, not seldom when his injuries are caused by her escape-attempts. It was at least not hard to see she fell in love with him. I can't find tbe quote exactly now, but when she finally amitted, though in a casual manner, loving him, I was verra happy. (Reading Scottish accent for four days almost straight sticks in your bones, ye ken.)
So now I've ordered the five other books in the series and just have to wait. Probably be a month before they gets here... *grumble*
Oh, on another topic, my trip to London next summer have been moved a bit further north, by invitation by Weasley-Detectives! Then we'll go hunting fine Scottish men and drink fine Scottish whisky, by the looks of it. :D
Just came to think of, Jamie and Claire of course had to consumate their marrige (yeah, they got married out of... Political reasons? Anyway, originally not out of love) which was a pretty nice scene, although long. Well, what I was really going to say, got ridiculusly side-tracked and here I go again so: The first time she orgasmed when sleeping with him he thought he had been hurting her. Ha, shows how enlightened three-and-twenty year old male virgins were in the eighteenth century! XD
Monday, August 10, 2009
The 69 kiss
Just discovered a new kiss and named it!
I was doing my friend's hair (she sat on the floor in front of me) and she decided she wanted to kiss me on the forehead and tilted her head back before pulling me down. Guess what happened!
My lips landed on her forehead while her landed on mine, thus the name: 69 kiss! Pretty ingenius, if you ask me.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Some parts of a body should remain un-shaved!
Namely between the toes. Big toes.
I was in the shower just now, something I really needed to do, and gazed down at this tuft between my legs. Yes, I should definitively trim it a bit. After a minute I figured "what the hell, I'll take it all, then I've tried that too."
Turns out a mirror makes it a whole lot easier, so I had to take a trip to my room, stark naked, dripping wet and with shaving gel between my legs (I swear that wasn't supposed to sound that suggestive!) to get one. So then I could get started for real, with a fresh razor and everything.
Then I discovered two things: 1) my hand's not that steady, and 2) sharp object should be kept away from your tender parts.
So, after a lot of work, some blood and frustration I have now the six year old look. Can't say I'm too pleased with it, feels like a "Yeah, let's try!... Oh,shit"-moment. But I tried!
Haven't dared myself to put on any clothes there after I clashed on a good deal of salve, so I fashioned a very nice-looking skirt of a towel. A 101 dalmations-towel, mind, fits very well with pink socks and grey sweater.
If nothing all it have convinced me never to try Brazilian waxing. *winces*
Thursday, August 6, 2009
*Watching Hairspray*
Edna (AKA John Travolta): I know a little something 'bout men.
Me and E coruses: Yes, cuz you are one!
We act like sisters, no, twins, even though we aren't remotely related in any way. Plus, she enjoys pulling at her earrings sometimes and joked she would pull off her entire ear one of these days, whereas I had to ask if she would attend my funeral. When that funeral is depends on when she loses her ear.
Me: (something I can't remember)... Waps.
E: Waps?
Me: Yeah, waps.
E: Wasp, you mean.
Me: Yeah, I just said that...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Managed to put off the alarm. Bloody hell, got me worried I'd be joining Fred Weasley there for a moment... That thing is loud! Still sweating and my heart's making a run for it out of my chest.The peculiar phrasing is thanks to reading Twin Vice (fanfiction) where Fred is a ghost, so in other words, I almost got scared to death.
How I managed to put if off may be a little stupid, though, I was going to let the cat in and chanced on the alarm being off and just opened the door. First nothing happened, then after thirty seconds the most ungodly howling begins! I clamped my hands over my ears before getting what was going on and got it turned off, seeing two cats at least as frightened as me. Yup, both cats were already in, it had been no need for me to open the bloody door, let alone not make sure the alarm was off. Well, that's a mistake I won't make again...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Coffee and smoke!
I don't do good on coffee, so this will probably make no sense what-so-ever!
Was out of smoke from Friday night to today afternoon (Sunday in other words), did Darren/Harry's pose from the beginning of AVPM, yelled at my cat for being late and not grooming himself and my phone doesn't work. Yay for my life!
When I first got that smoke today, however, it was better than sex! Better and more satisfying than raw, wild, sweaty sex! ... *shifty eyes*
Also have no appetite or memory, I think I've eaten a wok, a pizza and a slice of bread the last two or three days. Reminds me, I should put the bread in the freezer, which in turn reminds me of this:
And his name is Mr. Safety... Irony, anyone? (Well, he's not actually named that, it's Cory Willams, I believe.)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Random randomness
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Two discoveries:
- Wet gelatine looks like used condoms.
- I have a masculine brain. Not that surprising.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
So, I watched it today and have to rant a little.
I liked the opening, before the first scene, with Bellatrix shouts/moans "I killed Sirius Black!" Don't know why, it just sort of spoke to me. Then it went a bit downhill, in the cafeteria with that girl. I can see Dan wanting to pick up a girl, but not Harry and they have ruined the characters in the movies if you ask me. Not only Harry, everyone actually. Then Dumbledore just leaves Harry in the swamp outside the Burrow, which I find sad, I wanted them to have a talk in the broomshed!
When it comes to the Burrow in general I'm fairly pleased, loved the scene where everyone's peeking out from various places on the stairs, even if they have changed the entire house from earlier movies. Julia Walters does a great job as Molly, Rupert is hilarious as Ron and Bonnie pulls through as Ginnny. However, Emma Watson got about as much resemblance to Hermione Granger as a fork got to a fan! She's bothering me a lot, but her acting have improved greatly, especially from GOF where she was just annoying.
The Apparation-scenes with the Death Eaters plays out nicely on the screen as a bit of action, but what is up with that black smoke? When Dumbledore Apparates you just see him disappear, or see them get squished, which is great. When the twins Apparated in OotP they also just was there, then they wasn't. (or the other way around.) Why do the Death Eaters have all these special effects?
Tom Felton plays Draco good, even though he's just a minor character in the movie. When he rambled on about Hogwarts going to the dogs I wanted him to say he was transferring to Pigfarts so much and broke out in laughter, making the guy next to me give me a strange look.
Rupert is also very good, even though he have limited screentime. Lavender makes me crack up, which is just the intention. The "fault" about these two in the movie are that they bring out too much concerning Ron and Hermione, the movie fails greatly on subtility. I kinda wanted it to be like "eh, maybe she likes him, maybe he likes her, but maybe not, we'll have to see, but I think they like each other." (Well, that was a stupid phrasing.)
Slughorn: when I first saw pictures of Broadbent playing him, I said there was no way that could work for me, and it didn't. Broadbent strikes me more as a Quirrel-type of guy, not loud and jovial Slughorn.
Bellatrix was just as insane as she should be, but Nacissa disappointed me. She's supposed to be Lucius' wife, not his senile aunt, right? And the lowlights looks plain out stupid.
Both little Tom Riddle and young Tom Riddle were played perfectly, they made my skin crawl in a wonderful way!
Tonks and Lupin were hardly there, so not much to say except I want more. Why did Luna have to be the one to find Harry on the train? It worked out okay, I guess, but I was looking forward to a bit of Tonks. Mr. Weasley looke braindamaged when he sat in the chair and listened to Remus, right? But, the one line Remus had was more or less directly from the book, even if the scene was cut down to a minimum.
All in all they have focused too much on the romance if you ask me, the climax of the movie seemed to be when Ginny and Harry kissed, which is strange on so many levels I can't even put it into words. What happened to the kiss in the common room after the Quidditch-victory? Oh, right, they cut out all Quidditch that hadn't got anything to do with Hermione wanting to snog Ron...
The death of Dumbledore was at least as anti-climatic as possible! He fell, then everyone lighted their wands, even Madam Pomfrey was there, but no one who should be there according ot the book! And I didn't see the point in bringing in Death Eaters if Draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore, Snape already was there and there was no frickin' fight! I want a fight! I want Bill's face slashed open! I want Remus and Tonks to have a quarrel! I want McGonagall to freak out over that it was Snape who killed their headmaster! I want Fawkes to sing! I want Dumbledore's funeral! AAAH!
The scene after was even worse, if you ask me, Rupert had apparently gone mute.
And why it was called "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was explained in a single, off-hand comment by Snape and gave the title zero meaning. Hello? Not like that's important, no, just would explain why Snape haven't given Harry to Voldemort yet. But Rickman preforms great as always, at least.
But all in all I enjoyed watching it, even if it was just a bad summary of the book.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The guy who should play Bill
Yeah, I'm still obsessing.
Anyway, Damian Lewis! Redhead, british, pure sex on legs. Maybe a bit too old, but they have added the scars on Gleeson and in my opinion... scars, a few wrinkles, could be mistaken. He's only 38 anyway, it's possible to make-up away ten years (we said that, suddenly). Grint's twenty years now and supposed to play eighteen (in DH), so it's not that big of a deal. For Merlin's sake, I've seen an actor play the same character over a course of twenty years in the same movie and they still made it believable!
Back on track, watched the Poirot-episode with Lewis earlier and though he looked so familiar, but that's probably because he reminded me of Kevin McKidd.
Other than that, going to watch HBP tomorrow, so be prepared for a full review/bashing. I'll try being fair, but my opinion is biased, get used to it. Have heard they have slaughtered everything to do with the Weasleys and Grint is just a background-distraction while Watson have improved into an actress and not just a shrill voice and bouncy eyebrows. We'll see how it goes, but I can't see I recognise the characters in the movies as the ones in the book any more, it went way out of hand after the third.
So, ciao for now.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I am the queen of strange dreams
First I dreamt I was at the store, (which looked very little like the store that is where we were) with Hermione, who looked like a cross between Emma Watson and Bonnie Gruesen, and discussed wether or not Ron was hers or if he had proposed or something. Ron popped up after a while too, but he just looked like Ron, tall and thin. Then I woke up and fell asleep again, without that being important.
Before I woke the last time I dreamt I was combing through a guy's long hair and the top-layer was kinda straw-coloured, but underneath that typical clearly dyed red-purple, like there was a while since it had been done. So I had to take his hair out of his ponytail and rearrange it so the red-purple was visible, while thinking I had to draw in the scars afterwards. Cuz it was of course Bill Weasley, you didn't think anything else?
Well, I think it's clear that I shouldn't sit up all night watching AVPM and discussing if the ending of HBP (which I haven't seen yet) sucked because there was no attack on Bill. Illogically enough he's going to have scars in DH, but none mentioning of where or why he got them.
Have also heard all of Ron's lines and character have been sacrified to make a decent actress of Emma for the Hermione-Sue she's portraiting. But also that the Quidditch rock! :D
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Long time, no see
Haven't happened much around here, but now I think I have some quotes and other randomness to share.
Me: *insert what I can't remember telling my step-father her*
He didn't hear it all.
E: She said *insert that same thing here*, I didn't say it. Except now I said it...
Yep, one of her cute spots again. And not only that, I concluded she was wife, child, sister and friend in one... Which would make me the husband, mother, sister and friend. First one is a little... Sorry, I don't have dick or balls. XD
Just look past the horrible outfit for a moment:
Where did her boobs go? They were hanging there a year ago! (or something like that.)
And it was after that drawing I discovered I could draw bodies. Naked bodies. Porn! X3 Yeah, pretty big cock, after her request, I figured with all the muscles he was compensating for something, but she pointed out that when we're first gonna have porn we might as well have good porn! And I agree!
And we don't remember what we said two minutes ago, so we aren't able to share it. But we will eat chocolate. Strawberry chocolate!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Got my MacBook back
After just a week, that's rather a shock. Not that it's much of a comfort, even if my hard-drive was saved the new Safari sucks dragon balls, so I had to go over to Opera, where I can actually use Youtube without everything going everywhere it isn't supposed to be. Other than that everything is fine. :D
And I am a lousy excuse for a Harry Potter-fan. I have not seen Half-Blood Prince yet, even if the premiere (with the Phelps-twins) was a mere 18 miles from here. I'd love to have been there.
I want a time-machine! I don't care if it's á la Jules Verne, a flying Delorean or a Time-Turner, I want to go back, smack myself in the head and nick some tickets to that freakin' premiere!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Random update
Just watched Little White Lie on Youtube, it's good! A mini-series which is something like Hanna Montana meets talent and plot. Recomend watching it, it have great music, good plot, great actors and is fitted together perfectly. Those peeps knows how to handle a camera and add a soundtrack!
Other than that, been pretty dead around here. Had fish and pasta for dinner her one day, which surprisingly was good.
Also discovered I could draw porn. Or, naked torsos at least, but it's much more fun to say porn. :D
Probably won't update in a while, so you have to find other ways to entertain yourself.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Strange dream
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Covers and parodies
That guy is totally awesome! And that's an awful and overused joke, cuz he plays Harry in A Very Potter Musical! Go watch it, it's great, funny and pokes fun of (almost) everything in the Potterverse, a bit of Zac Efron and teenagers in general.
Back to the covers:
Unbelievable how he can get his voice that high. Look him up at Youtube here if you want to hear more!
Amazing song and he manages to sing it so good! I'm swooning just a little bit.
The Sims 3!
And that's just a tiny sneak-peek of what they have been doing! It's amazing how they have made it all work, even if they have the experience from making Sims 1 and 2. It also looks like they had a hell of fun!
Just ignore how horrible the outfit actually looks. For each thing given that colour or that pattern it had to be worked out a unique way of casting shadows and highlights, and how the fabric would flex. Even if that was done with a pre-written algorithm, I'm impressed, especially with the patterns!