Take a look at
this painting. Happy, right? Not for me, the first thing I thought about is that one of them is dead. Time to see other people? Think so... And I have some juicy details waiting for me. *Insert wicked laughter*
If you have been stupid enough to read Twilight, or at least parts of it:

That belongs to
ElectrikPinkPirate, who simply rocks! Twilight doesn't, it's any bad teen-movie made into a book with bad grammar and some action to make up for the sappiness.
The whole time at the end I was like: Go monkey-ass cliché and have a Romeo and Juliet-ending where she dies, it would be a small victory for the feminists! Instead Edwart (pun intended) comes swooping down from the sky and saves the helpless damsel in distress. *Face -> brick-wall!*
And the thing that annoys me the most? The grammar! For the love of ice-cream, after punctuation it's capital letter! My old English teacher as good as decapitated us if we forgot something so basic, but here we got a dudette with a bunch of education who still haven't learned it. She should ask for her study money back...
Okay, maybe I'm over-acting now... I'm comparing her to other writers like Rowling and Paulo Coelho, maybe it isn't fair.
Now I'm definitely crying, just found out John Travolta's son, Jett died Friday. Sure, I didn't really know who he even was, but when a boy the same age as me dies in his own home, I get... Almost angry, why do bad things have to happen to young people?
Oh right, life's bloody unfair!!
More fun Copy-pasting! Poking a bit, no, A LOT fun at Edwart.
Why Jacob Black is better than Edward Cullen
1. He's tall, dark and handsome. (What girl could ask for more)
2. He'll act as your very own hot water bottle. ( XD )
3. He's friendly, funny and charming. (Not to mention he actually has a sense of humour unlike someone we all know.....*cough* Edward *cough*)
4. He's always willing, more than willing to give hugs etc spontaneously.
5. He wont try to suck your blood. ( Thats a definate plus if I'm correct :P )
6. You can have a boyfriend and a pet at the same time. ( XD )
7. You get to do exciting things with him, like riding motorbikes and cliff diving.
(This was Jacob, right? Not Sirius?)8. He doesnt have a pole shoved up his ass. ( XD again.)
9. Bad boy. (speaks for itself in more ways than one. :P )
10. He'll protect you and love you forever, guaranteeing to put a smile on your face every day.
12. He's your own personal sun and sounds like (dare I say it) a great kisser!
14. he's hot (literally)
15. he doesn't say all that frufru, 10-paragraphs-long crap that Edward does. I mean, nobody talks like that in real life!!! It's disgusting
16. He makes Bella happy in a non-creepy/non-hero-worship kind of way!
17. His smile must be infectious.
18. Being with him would be normal, not every moment an "I love you so so so much that it hurts me." (
Hear, hear!)19. He doesn't have dangerous vampire people lurking around, so you're not exposed to people who want to eat you.
20. he'll kick ass to win your heart.
21. he's young, and probably good in bed.
22. How about, HE JUST IS! (XD)
23. He's just so amazingly loveable. period. I am WISHING there is a guy somewhere like good ol' Jacob... sigh...
24. He has the power to lead a pack. Edward has to answer to Carlisle!
25. He is the fun spontaneous werewolf (!!) ready to run the world for you!
Edward is a overprotecting primadonna... >< class="Apple-style-span" style="font-style: italic;">Thank God!)
28. he eats human food.
29. you don't have to give up your humanity for him.
30. if you have a mishap and get pregnant you wont die.
31. (this is slightly innapropriate) he is most likely better endowed than Edward is.
32.He's not a prude (Hello 110 year old virgin? That's not virtue that's being a prude. Big time!)
33. He's not obssessively controlling. *cough* Edward *cough*
34. Therefore, if you do anything against his wishes, you don't have to always be cringing and nervous about facing his angry, moody silences afterwards.
35. You could of had a normal kid with him instead of a hybrid that grows at an alarming rate and eats her way out of your body.
36. You can have normal conversations instead only "I love you"s and "Don't leave me"s and "Make me a VAMPIRE!!!"s.
37. You don't need to pay big bucks for a mechanic.
38. Doesn't need vampire traits like *cough* Edward*cough* to be attractive. He was likeable before he became supernatural.
39. Hugging him is not like hugging a wall of cement.
40. He can make you laugh. Seriously. Once you get older and all that lovey dovey stuff begins to wear off, humor is what can keep people together.
42. He can actually age so you dont have to become a werewolf to love him.
43. He won't force you to marry him *cough, cough* Edward *cough*
44. He's so... WOWZERZ
45. He's got colour (Edward's an oversized
chunk of chalk.)
46. He's YAYAYAYAY (Edward's too emo)
47. He's not a refridgerator! (Edward's a chunk of ice)
48 and 49. He's not a dead corpse (Edward is... well... a boring guy)
50. Since when did Edward make Bella laugh? GEEZ!
51. He has long hair that you can put your fingers through.
(Mmm...)52. He's fun! (What do you do with Edward, sit there and be mushy gushy THE WHOLE TIME! That's cool for a little while, but seriously, GET A LIFE! Oh, wait, Edward's dead-ish he can't have a life.)
54. Not a freakin old man.
55. He's a werewolf
56. he doesnt talk like he's in shakespeare
57. hes not a tool (sorry edward fans) who worships your every move.
58. you could sleep with him WITHOUT destroying the bed. (
But if he did, I mean, that would be a helluva shag!)59. you dont have to go thru burning in firie pain to be with him and have his baby
60. he'll care for u but make u laugh.
61. He's not afraid to get dirty!!!
62. He doesn't eat raw animals ( "Sorry Bella, I have deer blood breath!" "Why, its okay Edward Dear!!!")
63. He wouldn't let his wife name their child Renesme!!! ("
Oh, what to name the poor child? Lets mash together the names of our mother-figures, that have to work!" >.>)64. You cant really break him, you can hurt him, but he heals super fast!!!
65. He's flamboyant and a walking ball of sunshine
66. He's got abbs, very nice abbs.
(*Drool.*)67. he smiles a lot. :D (*
Drool more.*)68. Real men don't sparkle!
70. You wouldn't have to give up living for him.
71. He's warm! Who wants to hug a block of ice all the time?
And now the movie: Why do all the promo pics look so badly photoshopped? Annoying, annoying!
Why is everyone so turned on by Robert Pattinson? I actually find him to be kinda plain-looking, just average. The one everyone should be drooling over is
Cam Gigandet, the guy who plays James.
Time to put up a list of his awesomeness:
Ponytail! And rocking it. Too bad Rowling's being a bitch, he would make the perfect Bill, but since he's American it can't be done. Anyway, I love men who looks good with long hair so now I'm gonna drag my friend with me to the movie theatre!!
Eyes! Click on it so it gets big and
look! Those are expressive! And red, kinda cool that too ;) This isn't just true in Twilight, check
Bad boy! The goody-two-shoes gets incredibly boring fast, too bad it's his face that's in focus there.
Another one, the only reason you may say I kinda want to be in Bella's shoes.
Body! Excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor.
Smile! This made me go "Aah!" :D
This made me smile myself.
Humour! He doesn't seem take himself too serious. God, I love that interview! And the snarl.
Do I have to say any more? Yeah, I do, but it's about something a bit beside him (literally).
Good pic of his gang... Now, I don't call that olive coloured, I call it black! And why is the
entire fucking movie business unable to make
red hair?!?