Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's twenty-five hours since I've slept, wheee!
Today's soundtrack:

Lalala... Discovered it just now when I was when over at my friend and we just fell in love! The awesome thing about Lily Allen is that she looks like a cute little angel-girl and her lyrics are kick-arse, get out of my face, she-devil! Like this and fuck you very much. Luvluvluv!

And other than that... Fanart will fuck up your head, especially when it involves gay porn. Why do I bother to look? Because I got issues!

And I've found three 'peace out's in the last few days! One was on scrubs and the two other was... Mine. Cuz I fail!

And a funny planned quote (from my side):
Me: So, wanna know who I had over yesterday?
E: Yeah, who did you have over yesterday?
Me: Erik. He's handsome, tall... Or not very tall, taller than me, that doesn't take much, good build, a mechanic and dating someone with jacket like this. *Gestures to my jacket*
E: What?! ( O.O )
Me: Yeah, my mother's friend got the same jacket as me...
E: Wow, now I got scared you had gotten a boyfriend.
Me: Scared?
Well, may not be precisely how it went down, but more or less... And the look on her face, one word: Priceless! XD
And it's not right of me to be attracted to that much older guys. I'm hopeless, but I can't help it if he was charming and funny and kinda sexy. *blush
I was also told straight to my face it's not normal to enjoy reading books. Well, we already knew we weren't normal.

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