Thursday, April 16, 2009


No sleep tonight either... Began reading Dangerverse (HP-fanfiction), have been putting it off for a while. Not exactly grea,t (I don't say a lot is anyway,) but I like it. As always I won't make up my mind of what characters to love and loath before an eternity after reading it. I actually feel bad for Petunia in it, no one deserves to loose their child to Child Service, not even her.
Only characters I may have fallen in love with almost at once must be Davin and Nico of the Shamer Chronicles. Honestly, what's not to love? Rest of the characters I'm like "yeah, nice people, nothing special about" with. Don't know why.
Fell into a H&M store packed with kids. Or, not packed. Bought a new pair of jeans (something I don't need) and some bracelets.
And I kinda got my period. A bit. Which would mean it was very good Axel was there and I had the stupidity to nag about the rubber.

Today's quote:
"Why are you still in my head when I don't want you there?"

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