Thursday, March 5, 2009

More bitching

You know what occured to me a couple of days or weeks ago?
The Phelps twins are tall, thin and not to mentioned brunettes. The Weasley twins are short, stocky and with flaming red hair.
Rupert Grint is not that tall (1.78 says IMDb which probably haven't been updated in forever!), have the potential of being stock-ish and is definitely ginger. Ron Weasley is tall, thin and gangly and with red hair.
See where I'm going? Grint and Phelps should switch places, looking past the whole issues with age and twins/non-twin. Just based on their looks. And they're all passable actors and comedians.
 *Sigh* Why can't movies do anything right?

Well, maybe... WWW seems to live up to my expectations somewhat. But that hair-colour annoys the hell out of me.

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