Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just on a Disney-high

You know Sleeping Beauty?
In the Disney-version it ends with her and the prince dancing and her Godmothers constantly changing the colour of her dress and it closes like a fairy-tale book. 
Now, what colour would that dress be in the book, red or blue? My cousin asked me this years ago and I only just remembered it. It's one of life's great mysteries...

And have you seen Antz? It isn't from Disney, it's Dreamworks... Anyway, great movie and I'm afraid I have to watch it now ;)
But how do they know it's eight o'clock? I used to imagine they had this big, black digital alarm-clock with red digits somewhere down there... Not likely that's the truth.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Erm, yes...

I've spend the day at my aunt's baking gingerbread-cookies (Pepperkaker sounds much cooler!) with a bunch of kids ranging from five to eleven in age. It's been noisy. Loud. Fun. Now I'm tired.
And one of my cousin's sons (my aunt is their grandmother, btw) decided I'm now only his new best friend but his girlfriend too. He's one of the youngest there, so I didn't bother to explain to him that we are related so it would be kinda weird. But it will be one helluva story to tell in a ten years time. 

Friday, November 28, 2008


Lawyer: Doctor, before you did the autopsy, did you check if the deceased has a pulse?
Witness: No.
Lawyer: Did you check the blood pressure?
Witness: No.
Lawyer: Did you check if he breathed.
Witness: No.
Lawyer: So it is possible that the patient was alive when you started the autopsy?
Witness: No.
Lawyer: How can you be so sure, doctor?
Witness: Because his brain was in a glass on my desk.
Lawyer: I see, but is it still possible that the patient was alive?
Witness: Yes, it is possible he was alive and working as a lawyer.

"We're standing on the edge and the time has come to take a big step forward."

And now it's time for me to geek out a bit:

Your result for The Harry Potter Husband Test...

Mrs. Lupin

Your perfect HP man is Remus Lupin.

You like a nice, kind guy with a bit of a fierce streak and you don't mind if he comes damaged. Sure, he may take some convincing since his self-esteem's so low, but once you win him over, you know he's yours for life. Unless of course he has an attack of "I'm not good enough" and runs away, but luckily he's also good at making friends who will push him back into line if necessary.

(Art by Gold-Seven Used with permission.)

Take The Harry Potter Husband Test
at HelloQuizzy

This got me clapping my hands together like an idiot, but it's just G-R-E-A-T!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

People is WEILD!

... Weird, I mean.
I just read about a female politician who would have an abortion if she knew the fetus was going to be handicapped. She also say she should be respected for her choice/opinion, and that's okay, but here's my thoughts on the matter:
- If the child would be able to live an approximately normal life (go to kindergarden/school, have friends, enjoy life!) and I wouldn't suffer as a parent (see my kid being miserable, using all my time and energy on he/she)  I would give birth to it.
- All living things have a right to be just that, living. Natural selection takes the weakest, so I wouldn't go to unreasonable efforts to keep it breathing if that was all it would be (just laying there without having the possibility to... Enjoy life).
- If I didn't know the child was handicapped before it was born or some accident happened, I would still love it just as much. This doesn't mean I would let it live for years on end hooked up to a respirator with no means of communicating with the world around.
- If, let's say (just for the kicks), I first got pregnant and learned it was going to be a handicapped child and took an abortion, then later got a child who died at age five or something, I would greatly regret that abortion. It may be a bit out there, but I think that would be the universe's way of getting back at me... (Okay, gotta stop watching Dharma & Greg.)
- A lot of girls and young women (really women of all ages)  often suffers from psychical problems after an abortion. An I know I would alway look back and ask myself "What if?"

And with that out of the way, my step-father wants me to begin on the pill... Nothing creepy going on, that's just how he is, but my body got enough with the hormones already in it.
And it's only for my own protection, but I think I'll stick to rubber :)

Music mash

A song I have to listen to again and again and again...


"Your livin' in Americaaa... At the end of the MILENNIAAA!!" 

And every time I hear Roxette I think about Remus and Tonks, It just express their relationship perfectly.
And have you seen the eyes of Stephen Lynch? They're crazy!
Wanna know how to make a relatively smart person feel dumb? Click here!
Other than, not much going on...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another weekend has (almost) passed

And tomorrow it's back to school :(

<<-- belongs to The-Starhorse!
This scared my friend, really scared so she screamed! It's one of my many wallpapers (love my macbook) and I pressed F11 so all the windows disappeared to see it and she wasn't prepared for it... So she screamed.

And we did see the 3rd BTTF-movie:
E: Can we watch the last part of the 2nd, because I don't remember exactly what happened.
Me: Yeah, we can watch the last chapter or something. *opens cover, takes out dvd, puts it in. Looks at menu* This looks very much like the first one.
E: Are you sure it isn't the first?
Me: No... *opens cover to check* It is. *changes dvd*
*we watch the last two chapters*
Me: Okay, now I'll try to put in the last one. *opens cover for the upteenth time. Puts in the 2nd. Tries to take out the 3rd, but it's stuck* Come on!
E: Try not yo break it.
Me: I'm trying! Maybe we're just not supposed to watch it...*Finally gets it out!*
*Play movie!*
Me: *Realises the last chapter of the 2nd is the first on the 3rd* And now we get to see this again.

And we laughed at how sexy MJF's butt was in old-fashioned underwear. Or rather at the open button XD

Friday, November 21, 2008

More weird quotes:

E (commenting pic): Diane was alive. Before she died.
Me: So was I.
The cue here is was. XD

Henning Allan (securitas-guy): When I went into my daughter's room, it was so much technical equipment it looked like a launching base for NASA.
Just picture that...

And my all-time favourite:
R: Hermione and Harry is going to end up together, right?
Me(sarcastic): Yeah, and the moon is really made of cheese...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to the...

'80s? 21st century? 1800s?
I just bought a set with the Back to the Future-trilogy. Finally I have them all!!
I bought the first two a year (or something) ago, but they didn't have the third then and now they only had the whole trilogy in one, so I got two of the first and second :O :D
And on friday my friend coming over to watch it, she got hooked when we saw the first two together. It's going to be fun :P especially since the third is my favorite in a lot of ways, so it's a bit ironic that I haven't got it sooner.

Another quote from my (not so) interesting life:
*O.M. gets off the bus*
S: O.M. smokes? He just took up a cigarette? He smokes.
Me: No, it's just a pen. I thought it was a smoke at first too, but it was only a pen.
S: But it looked like a smoke, it really did, and... *keeps on rambling*
Okay, it was funnier in real life, but anyway.... And I only use initials not to give people 
completely away. *Being really paranoid*. And it's names that don't work in English and since that's what I'm writing in, it would just seem stupid and weird.

Hey, I've gone a whole post without mentioning 'penis'.... Crap!

So long. And thanks for all the fish!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quote of the day

Me: I'm going down again.
Stepdad: Oh, is he online now?
Me: No.
Stepdad: Is he waiting for you to answer?
Me: No.
Stepdad: Are you waiting for him to answer?
Me: No. You know why? There isn't a he.
Me:*realising what I just said. Jumping up and down in frustration.*
Stepdad: Oh, so it's a girl?
Me: No, it isn't a person, it's no one!

That's what happening when you try to use the there is no spoon-logic in real life.
But really, I don't have an online boyfriend. Or girlfriend. I just use a lot of time on useless things. Or write fan-fictions (Somewhere the madness have to get out).
And talking about that: I had a scene playing in my head all day, but when I get home I can't concentrate enough to write it...

I believe I can fly,
I got shot by the FBI,
All I wanted was a chicken wing,
And I stole it from Burger King!

This is partly responsible for the name of this blog:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another post

*Drum Roll*
No, nothings up, just listening to music. *tatatatatatatata!*

Found some cool pics online, so I don't own any of them ;) <-- LOOK! cute smiley!! 
 I simply love those eyes. Original image belongs to Deisi!

 I got a kinda thing for skeletons now, starting with giraffes. I think this is the exact same pic that is in a book I used to read at my grandmother's. Kinda creepy to find the same drawing on the net, but what isn't on the net, don't exist! :)

Small kitten! May be a manip, but I don't really care, it's funny and kinda scary anyway.

I'd click the third, just to see what would happen!

A moment of pure genious:
*Click link*
*Look at top of picture*
E: Is it allowed to have that kind of things on the net?
Me: Over half the web is porn...
*scroll down*
Both: it's a pink ice-cream!
*feel immensely stupid!*
(Yeah, our world doesn't revolve around penises, but when something funny happens, they have a way of sneaking in... Okay, that's wrong, but... Screw it!)

And we had a photoshop-class today. I was finished almost before the teacher was done explaining what we had to do, but it was really basic and I understand that not everyone is a geek and plays around in photoshop all day long. I got a lot of time to make a funny pic at least :D .
And I really impressed a guy with my skills earlier, sometime last week. Know what I did? Used the brush-tool! That proved two thing: don't make things more complicated than it is and Photoshop don't know what looks good, people do!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

More crazyness

You know the drum solo in Green Day's song Minoroty (live in England) and a pic of Bill Weasley is the best that have happened to me this week!!!

FUCK EM ALL!! Love when the audience shout that!!!

I slept over at a friend and you know what she used the WHOLE evening and parts of the night on? Chatting with and talking on a phone with a boy... Yay for me... Oh, well.

And my music taste have changed a bit, I've started to listen to a lot of Eminem and Green Day... Mainly because of Dizzler, it's easy to find new songs and it's sorted by artists... Don't know how to explain it -.-

Plus,  I dreamt about zombies.
It started with Scrub-puffs (someone gotta make them) and moved to be me and Indiana Jones and we stole an Egyptian treasure or something and I thought that that wasn't so hard, but then the zombies appeared,
And how do you kill something undead? Makes it impossible for it to live! so we had to cut them up, my I only remember cutting off they're heads and kicking them pokkerivold (into the woods, in other words). The weirdest was that it was asia zombies... In Egypt. Whic jreally was at my Grandma's.
I have no idea how my brain managed to dream about Indiana Jones and zombies now, I haven't seen any of them in months (movies, of course ).
And I watched some docu about Spielberg today (or parts of it) and there, after I had dreamt about him was it talked about Indiana Jones.
If I have to type Indiana Jones again now, I'm going to go insaaaane!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The worst English class in HISTORY

Honestly, I would rather listen to a crazy Twilight-fangirl compare it o Harry potter for an hour while I was bounded and gagged!
We listened to a cd and at the end I wanted to strangle Mrs Thompson (one of the characters)!
Plus the teacher is as boring as... Binns! And she didn't ask me for the answer for the tasks when I put my hand it the air (she stood in the middle for the frickin' room and I sat at the front,) but when I gave up and put my head down on the book, THEN she had  to notice me and ask. GRR!

Another thing that finally dawned on me: Fred is dead :'(
On the infamous cd it also was a mentoin of "Uncle George", and I thought "Poor George, all alone."
Man, I'm slow, but my friend is slower: She made the grand discovery that the handicap-sign is a man in a wheelchair!

Monday, November 10, 2008

There is...

86 400 seconds in a day. I used 3139.1 of them to listen to caramelldansen.

I know... 

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have been listening to Eminem all day on
Now I'm about to turn a bit emo... XD

And I've started writing a kind of story (how long it's going to be, who knows?) and I can't write it without Eminem. Nothing else works, it's something about the feel and mood of the songs...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hillary Duff's new video

Catchy, but she tries a bit too hart to be sexy like Lindsay Lohan/Britney/Christina Agulera/whatever.
What I mean with this is: Lindsay can easy play on that dirty/bad girl image, but Hillary is more fun-sexy, so the video would be better with a random clip of her laughing.

I made something of a commentary to this. It isn't meant to be just that frame, but the whole sequence.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



Something funny: a poster-thing on my school:

See what it is??


It's the Marauders and Weasley-twins!
Okay, that isn't the original thought, (or is it?) but two almost identical redheads can only be Gred and Forge!! 
And for the other foursome: Black-haired boy with glasses (hard to see it here) holding redheaded girl, other black-haired boy with his arms around them and third brownish-haired boy. It HAVE to be James Potter, Lily Evans/Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin!! (Peter is stuck in a rat trap somewhere.)

And know what I almost shouted out in class yesterday?
I don't have some big hang-up about penises, but it was a quiz on the net (I was finished with the tasks and just fooled around) and one of the the questions was "What would you call the male organ?" or something, and the options was "member" and stupid things like that. What's wrong with penis?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Know what I'm addicted to??

Except cigarettes and Pepsi Max, that is...

Dorky, I know -.-

And this is great!!

While watching this
Me: look!
E: What?
Me:Look! It's a penis!
E: Huh? No it's a fox, with ears and nose!
Me: IT'S THE FIREFOX-ICON, what do you expect!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shake that, iTunes game

The Rules:

Put your itunes on shuffle, generate some answers to the following questions, and play along at home! No cheating!

Black velvet - Allanah Myles
(Let's try...)

City of Blinding Lights - U2

Don't leave home
( Stay or get the F**k away from me)

Stacey's mom - Fountains of Wayne

On the air - Draumir
Translation: Going crazy?

Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield 

So What - Pink

Everybody's changing - Keane 
(It fits)

WHAT IS 2+2?
Creep - Lambretta

I'm With you - Avril Lavign

False Alarm - KT Tunstall 

Psycho - Jamie Meyer

You're the only one - Maria Mena 

Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes

Whenever, Whatever - Shakira

My Immortal - Evanescence.
( That should have come on the next question.)

Hit 'n' Run - Christian Walz

I Love You ALways Forever - Donna Lewis 
(Wait, just have to listen to it!) :dance:

Dragonstea Din Tei - O-Zone

Walkin' on the sun - Smashmouth

Down Under - Men at work 

Lola's theme - Shapeshifters

Stayce's mom - Bowling for soup.
(I have two versions of the same song)

This is the life - Amy MacDonald 
( :dance: again :P )

We are - Ana

Patience - Take that :love: 
(That's.... Weird.)

Once upon a December - Anatasia movie

Islands in the Stream - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton

Om - Niklas Strömstedt
(If you haven't heard it before, do it now! It have a great feel to it)

Single - Natasha Bedingfield
(Partly true)

Shake that - Scooter

The one's I put a link on is my favourites, go check them if you haven't heard them!

I have partly given up reading "A shadow on the glass" by Ian Irvine and gone back to The Shamer Cronicles. No-one have heard of it, but it's great!
I only read the parts with Davin and Nico now, the parts with Dina are a bit slower and not so violent. That sounds weird that I like the parts with violence but it's also more action and a bit of psycologic war-fare.
If anyone's interested, they actually have the books in English on (wrong order, but I'm too lazy to fix it):
2 The Shamer Signet
And I'm not crazy, but I cried when Nico DIDN't die. Happy tears of course, but that is one of the few times I cried over a book.

Monday, November 3, 2008

When the going gets tough...

...My hair gets short. It's true, when I'm doubting myself and don'tr know wht to do with my life, I want to have short hair and so it ends up.

A little hair-story:
Spring 05 - Long (almost so I could sit on it), thin after being in a pony-tail 24/7 for at leat two years, brownish.
Autumn 05 - Cuts it 1 cm short over all, do nothing wwith it on a dayly basis.
Spring 07 - Just hangs there, straw-coloured.
Aug. 07 - Different leights, longest is in the back of my neck, fiery red.
Dec. 07 - Brown, cuts it so all have the same lenght.
Feb. 08 - Brown, almost shoulderlenght.
Spring 08 - Brown, almost shoulderlenght with fringe.
Jul. 08 - Blond, straight with fringe.
Sep. 08 - Blond, curly shoulderlenght with fringe.
Oct. 08 - Blond, curly/frizzy bob.
Nov. 08 - Boyish short like P!nk or Rihanna.

Boring? I know, but when you grow up with Full House and adores Jessie, you get a bit crazy about your hair =)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

You scream, Ice-cream

Watched Psycho yesterday (late halloween-celebration) and the acting seemed a bit strained,because it's old and the world has changed and stuff. But it got me thinking: How would it be if it was made today?
My guesses:
- Marion would have body like a Barbie-doll and long, strait (Paris Hilton) hair.
- Norman would be über-ugly or muscular, not just your regular nobody.
- You would se the knife piercing Marion a ridicuoulus amount of times and she would bleed all over the cabin.
- At the end when Lila finds her, Norman's mother would have an open mouth and rotting flesh dangling from her face and the light would give an unrealistic contrast between light and shadow.

And: Why is the the shower-scene more famous than the part where Lila's finds the dead body of mrs Bates and screams? They are both great, but I fell in love with that corpse. Morbid, I know.
Also love Lila's shock and how Norman takes care of his "mother".

At the same time it shows what I always have meant: people are scary. Really scary.

Quote of the day:
"Contrary to popular believes, Photoshop does not know what looks good" - Basic Blending Tutorial by ~Andantonius
That was stuck in my head for 12 hour or something. Really irritating...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I just had a brainwave!

No, wait... Err.... Hmm.... Forgot it...


[ ] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[x] I’m afraid of the dark. (if I can't see a thing I get really paranoid!)
[x] I can’t sleep in a room if the door is open, (not if it's light in the other room/hall)
[ ] I can’t sleep in a room if the door is closed
[ ] I am hetorosexual
[ ] I am homosexical
[x] I am Bi. (Let's keep all doors and windows open for now)
[ ] I am Asexual
[x] I believe in true love.
[ ] I’ve ran away from home
[ ] I listen to political music
[ ] I collect comic books
[x] I shut others out when I’m sad.
[ ] I’ve stayed out all night.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[/] I watch the news. (sometimes, sometimes listen on the radio)
[x] I love Disney movies. (the originals, not that new crap!)
[x] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[ ] I am a sucker for brown eyes.
[ ] I am a sucker for blue eyes.
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have “x”s in my screen name.
[x] I’ve slipped and fell in public.
[ ] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a real conversation
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I bake well.
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[x] I want a better job
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.
[ ] I love Dr. Phil.
[x] I like multiple people
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[x] I have tried (tasted) alcohol.
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.
[x] I have tried a cigarette.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day.
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[x] I have cough drops when I’m not sick. (or we have it on the house, at least)
[ ] I can’t swallow pills.
[ ] I have a lot of scars.
[ ] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I like chocolate. (Really dark!)
[x] I bite my nails. (more lite chew on. I stooped biting when I got braces, because Icouldn|t reach my nails to bite them )
[/] I am not comfortable with being me. (Feel like I don't know me for the moment...)
[x] I play computer games when I’m bored.
[x] Gotten lost in the city.
[x] Thought of suicide before. (Not for long, I know how it ruins everything )
[ ] Seen a shooting star.
[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a fist fight.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose.
[ ] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] Made out in an elevator.
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose.
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[x] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] Bitten someone.
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.
[ ] Crashed into a car.
[ ] Been to Germany.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.(If you red tis Rupert Grint, CONTACT ME!!! okay, done being pathetic...)
[ ] Stole something from your job.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[x] Saw someone/something dying.
[ ] have a list of people you want to kill.
[ ] Ridden in a car over 400 miles in one day
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar.
[ ] Eaten sushi.
[x] Cried in public.(Most annoying thing I do)
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.
[ ] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn’t have.
[ ] Thought of someone a lot lately.
[ ] Hate the world.
[ ] I think I’m really attractive.
[ ] I prefer winter over summer.
[x] I am a geek.
[ ] I am a shopaholic.
[x] I am reasonably intelligent.
[x] I am attracted to girls.
[x] I am attracted to boys.
[x] I like British accents.
[ ] I smoke regularly.
[x] I smoke socially.
[x] I drink socially.
[ ] I drink regularly.
[ ] I get drunk easily.
[ ] I do “drug(s)”.
[ ] I will never date a bad kisser.
[ ] I’ve lied to avoid kissing them again.
[ ] I brush my hair at least 50 times a night.
[ ] I am religious.
[x] I am not religious but have morals.
[x] I lie frequently. (not about big things...)
[x] I am impulsive. (and then regret it when something bad happens)
[x] I am hardworking. (as long as it interests me, so I'm also kinda lazy)
[x] I loved Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. (Liked)
[ ] She’s All That is one of my favorite movies.
[ ] I am good at History.
[ ] I speak more than two languages.
[ ] I enjoy taking pictures.
[x] I like spending money on myself.
[x] I like spending money on others.
[ ] I have a regular income.
[ ] I earn money on a job-by-job basis.
[ ] I pay my own bills.
[x] I rely on my parents for money.
[x] I can cook.
[ ] I enjoy cleaning.
[ ] Tidiness is a must in my life.
[ ] I like clutter.
[ ] My idea of good music is Britney Spears.
[ ] I am fashion-conscious.
[ ] I have good taste.
[ ] People tell me I have good taste.
[ ] I am good at sports.
[x] I am good at certain sports.
[x] I couldn’t do sports to save my life. (Some I'll survive, but that's really few!)
[x] I am creative. (Sometimes, but usually I'm the only one that sees how brilliant it is. not)
[ ] I am extremely artistically inclined.
[ ] I want to be an artist when I grow up.
[ ] I want to be an engineer when I grow up.
[x] I eat when I’m upset.
[ ] I cannot adapt to change.
[ ] I am interested in politics.
[ ] I have shoplifted.
[x] I download MP3s.
[x] I have done underage drinking.
[ ] I have gone underage clubbing.
[ ] I can dance reasonably well.
[ ] I can dance extremely well.
[x] I dance like a cardboard gorilla.
[ ] I can sing.
[x] I sing like someone stepped on my foot.
[x] I can swim.
[ ] I enjoy surveys.
[x] I enjoy surveys when I’m bored.
[ ] I keep a journal.
[ ] My teachers don’t like me.
[ ] I enjoy controversy.
[x] I can be a bitch/bastard.
[x] I have a thing for bad boys/girls.
[ ] I have tattoos.
[ ] I’ve been in a nudist colony.
[ ] I’m not sure if I want to have children.
[ ] I’m not sure if I’ll get married.
[ ] I know who I will marry.
[ ] Someone has a crush on me. (not that I know of)
[ ] I am interesting...
[x] I am a good liar. (Depends)
[x] People enjoy talking to me.
[x] I annoy people from time to time.
[ ] I am a born leader.
[ ] I am a born leader but shouldn’t lead.
[ ] I’ve snuck out of the house.
[ ] I have a foot fetish.
[ ] I have a shoe fetish
[x] I watch Sex And The City. (Sometimes)
[ ] I don’t think Sarah Jessica Parker is pretty.
[ ] I want to be J Lo.
[ ] I cut myself.
[x] I have cut myself.
[x] I hate people who pretend to be suicidal.
[ ] I hate popular people.
[x] I think cheer leading is a sport. (kinda, since you excercise)
[ ] I am photogenic.
[ ] I live in Chucks.
[x] I think graffiti is art.
[ ] I have dated a criminal.
[ ] I have been cheated on.
[ ] I have cheated on someone.
[x] I have a temper.
[ ] I like playgrounds.
[x] I dance in the rain.
[ ] I am obsessed with Shakespeare.
[x] I have tan lines. (or a line between pale to OMG-get-my-sunglasses-it's-so-white-pale)
[ ] My favorite color is pink.
[ ] My favorite color is black.
[ ] I would classify myself as emo.
[ ] I am musically inclined.
[x] I like listening to music.
[ ] I like music-blasting cars.
[ ] Thongs are comfortable
[ ] I like flip-flops.
[x] I know what monogamy is
[x] … and I believe in it. (partly, it depends)
[ ] I want to be a social worker when I grow up.
[ ] I have sibling[s]
[ ] My siblings annoy me
[ ] I think South Park is funny.
[x] I prefer Google
[ ] I can sit Indian Style
[x] I own a cat
[ ] I plan on owning more.
[x] I read a lot.
[x] I’ve cheated on a test.
[x] I’ve let someone cheat off of me on a test


Guess what I have?

Live TV : Ustream

Thehe, I'm bored and well, .... ... *,*


Made this blog so I won't spam my deviantArt journal completely ( )

Other than that, it's just a cheaper option to a shrink!
I probably have to wok my wok now, I don't think just laying a clad of butter in the pan helps.

More madness to come!