I just bought a set with the Back to the Future-trilogy. Finally I have them all!!
I bought the first two a year (or something) ago, but they didn't have the third then and now they only had the whole trilogy in one, so I got two of the first and second :O :D
And on friday my friend coming over to watch it, she got hooked when we saw the first two together. It's going to be fun :P especially since the third is my favorite in a lot of ways, so it's a bit ironic that I haven't got it sooner.
Another quote from my (not so) interesting life:
*O.M. gets off the bus*
S: O.M. smokes? He just took up a cigarette? He smokes.
Me: No, it's just a pen. I thought it was a smoke at first too, but it was only a pen.
S: But it looked like a smoke, it really did, and... *keeps on rambling*
Okay, it was funnier in real life, but anyway.... And I only use initials not to give people
completely away. *Being really paranoid*. And it's names that don't work in English and since that's what I'm writing in, it would just seem stupid and weird.
Hey, I've gone a whole post without mentioning 'penis'.... Crap!
So long. And thanks for all the fish!
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