Something funny: a poster-thing on my school:

See what it is??
And know what I almost shouted out in class yesterday?
It's the Marauders and Weasley-twins!
Okay, that isn't the original thought, (or is it?) but two almost identical redheads can only be Gred and Forge!!
And for the other foursome: Black-haired boy with glasses (hard to see it here) holding redheaded girl, other black-haired boy with his arms around them and third brownish-haired boy. It HAVE to be James Potter, Lily Evans/Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin!! (Peter is stuck in a rat trap somewhere.)
And know what I almost shouted out in class yesterday?
I don't have some big hang-up about penises, but it was a quiz on the net (I was finished with the tasks and just fooled around) and one of the the questions was "What would you call the male organ?" or something, and the options was "member" and stupid things like that. What's wrong with penis?
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