This scared my friend, really scared so she screamed! It's one of my many wallpapers (love my macbook) and I pressed F11 so all the windows disappeared to see it and she wasn't prepared for it... So she screamed.
And we did see the 3rd BTTF-movie:
E: Can we watch the last part of the 2nd, because I don't remember exactly what happened.
Me: Yeah, we can watch the last chapter or something. *opens cover, takes out dvd, puts it in. Looks at menu* This looks very much like the first one.
E: Are you sure it isn't the first?
Me: No... *opens cover to check* It is. *changes dvd*
*we watch the last two chapters*
Me: Okay, now I'll try to put in the last one. *opens cover for the upteenth time. Puts in the 2nd. Tries to take out the 3rd, but it's stuck* Come on!
E: Try not yo break it.
Me: I'm trying! Maybe we're just not supposed to watch it...*Finally gets it out!*
*Play movie!*
Me: *Realises the last chapter of the 2nd is the first on the 3rd* And now we get to see this again.
And we laughed at how sexy MJF's butt was in old-fashioned underwear. Or rather at the open button XD
When I read this, I started to laugh, and I couldn't stop, I don't know why! But it was funny ;) I started to laugh so hard, that I cried!! xD
I'm really wierd! xD
And I had class! xD
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