Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The worst English class in HISTORY

Honestly, I would rather listen to a crazy Twilight-fangirl compare it o Harry potter for an hour while I was bounded and gagged!
We listened to a cd and at the end I wanted to strangle Mrs Thompson (one of the characters)!
Plus the teacher is as boring as... Binns! And she didn't ask me for the answer for the tasks when I put my hand it the air (she stood in the middle for the frickin' room and I sat at the front,) but when I gave up and put my head down on the book, THEN she had  to notice me and ask. GRR!

Another thing that finally dawned on me: Fred is dead :'(
On the infamous cd it also was a mentoin of "Uncle George", and I thought "Poor George, all alone."
Man, I'm slow, but my friend is slower: She made the grand discovery that the handicap-sign is a man in a wheelchair!

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