Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm back!

And here I was, thinking drinking included swallowing...

Packing out of my bag and found:
- Umbrella, hand-lotion, lip gloss and condoms from Easter.
- Empty bottle of Pepsi Max from today. (Remark: with the warning!)
- One DVD me and my friend watched today.
- One VHS of Friends season 1 ep. 13-16 (my friend had accidentally bought two of the same.)
- Half-full pack of cigarettes and lighter.
- Common rubbish like recites and such.
Needless to say, I should clean up in it more often. XD

So, as you may have guessed, I was at my friend's today. Have hardly seen each other in two weeks, so we had a lot of silly fun, which turns into quotes here:

I start waving my hands in flying-motions.
Both, in complete unison: I believe I can fly...
E: Ehh... That wasn't planned.
*Breaks down in laughter*

E *playing with a small table with her legs*: It's gonna tip soon...
Both: I know!
*Laughter again*

And it was one last thing, but I forgot about it again, sorry.

Anyway, we are pretty alike, you could say. I'm starting to worry if one of us is gonna lose an ear soon. (Stupid reference no one got anyway.) We are almost like twins sometimes, then we have a five second fight, then we're back. It's almost scary. Plus, we established I'm most likely the boy in the relationship, if we are a couple, which we aren't, really.
I think that's all from my life now. Wait!
Got a rather funny review over at (go on, call me a geek, watch me care!):

From: orgn4odvn ()

i am SO CONFUSED. waht the hellis going on? why is everyone a vegetable and
taking shots and wiping each other's bums? what is going on?

It's just so.... Okay, in my little, pathetic mind it's hilarious, but I'm laughing more at myself, just so that's said.

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