Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The drugs just kicked in!

Have had a hell of a tootheache today. not actualy yootthache eaither, jawache- ension- Can't type!

haven't slept yet. Oh, that's gonna be good!
Living on a cocktaiøl of pain-killlers now and they finally kicked in! Sleep, here i COme!!


So much for the drugs! Half an hour later, hurts just as much. Blah!

Universe or whatever: Screw you. Hard.

And we don't have any booze either. I know you're not supposed to mix alcohol and pills, but if it would just let me rest, I don't give a flying fuck!
The pills always work just shy of the time I need to fall asleep. Merlin, this hurts! And I hate dentist, thereby tooth-aches and this is a pain both physically and mentally now! 

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