Friday, May 8, 2009

"Bisexual = greedy"

The net was down yesterday and I forgot in the last post, but I'll take it now!

I think the statement "bisexual = greedy" is ridiculous, especially when it's accompanied with "you're only after the sex." Honestly, what is worst, a bi person actually in love with one of the same gender or a straight person having sex with one of the same gender with no feelings?
Sorry, I just have problems converting my anger into sensible words.
I, for one, think that as long as a person is happy and don't hurt anyone with their actions, they can kiss, have sex with and love whoever they want.
I've also found out I'm rather liberal in my vision of gay/bi things. Most of the people at Snadra's school thinks it weird to see two girls cuddling and kissing. Even Joachim, and he's bi himself. (Shh, I didn't say that!)
And E is getting pretty fed up with everyone she knows being gay, lesbian or bi. XD 
But, get this, even Snadra thinks it's weird for two men to kiss/cuddle/do what we do. I told her I thinks it's cute (or something). Honestly I think it's hot. See how crazy fanfiction makes you?
Maybe I'm a gay man trapped inside a bi girl? Or a straight girl, trapped inside a gay man, trapped inside a bi girl. Am I giving you a headache? 
Sana-ta-A na! The hell is that? XD ROFL guaranteed! "I will never blink!" Ah, god!
Random diversion, I know.

Back on topic... No, I think that's it for now.

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