Sunday, May 17, 2009


Norway won Eurovision Song Contest... I've decided to be grumpy about the other countries failing.
I mean, the song is nice, but I've been tired of it (and him) for a long time already. On top of that, I didn't get the news for any site you would expect, nope, got it from deviantArt. What's the odds?
Real news-sites have gone amok! And Norway will be associated with fiddlers for quite some time. *sigh* Yes, I make the worst of everything!

Think I need to ramble about something else too:
Fred & George = Weasleys = red hair!
Fred & George + brown hair = Half-blood prince movie = sucks!
Fred & George = Short Weasleys = not Phelps twins
Fred & George - Fred = Deathly Hallows = sad!
Typing while smoking = ash on keyboard.

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