Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ordinary Day

Woke up to this today, which was pretty damn good. Laid in the bed, face halfway down in the pillow and sang with it. So then it just remains to wait and see if this day is ordinary.

Did I mention my and me friend spontaneously began singing Tailor Swifts' Our Song here the other day? Our life turn into a frickin' musical sometimes... I'll post the soundtrack one day.


Ordinary day, my arse!
A lot have happened the last ten hours. It all started when I took the three-buss to my friend. At first it was all ordinary, we talked and was on the net and I reminded her about a song I had to show her and she said it was no wonder I found it, since the video was a Charlie Weasley-fan-thing, but it's the only good version on Youtube!
Then at six o'clock we went out to meet a guy, OM, cuz he was going to buy some drink for us for the weekend. Still not far from ordinary. We met one of his friends, S, and the madness began!
OM had great fun tickling my friend, E, which S soon joined in on, but they were both disappointed I wasn't ticklish. At last S found my ticklish spots, right under my arms and my tits. I ended up squirming on top of him.
Heads home for OM and some alarm-bell should have gone off with us girls, but dammit, we were horny! (Well, I was, at any rate...) Tickling continues, several are groped and my boobs are not left alone. 
After a while clothes starts coming off and the guys had a little competition of who had come the furthest, whereas at one point I commented, "they're boys, of course it's a competition!"
Me and S 'won' and he found a condom and E is slightly flustered at what we're doing.
Me: Good luck finding that hole, it's easier to find Atlantis!
But turned out we had luck and, well, I had sex with my best friend watching. Strangely that doesn't freak me out...
E: Are you okay?
She asked that while we were frickin'  trying to shag! And yes, I was very okay.
At some point I and S moved to couch, the bed was getting too small and we changed to me riding him.
E (calling from the bedroom): Are you okay?
Me *panting*: Yeah...
*Keep going for a while*
E: Sure you're okay?
Me *still panting*: Yes!
S: How's it going with the two of you?
*No answer, just silence. I keep riding.*
E *standing in the doorway*: Hi...
Me *annoyed, stopped and turned to her*: Hi. Go back now.
E: No.
Me: Okay. *Starts riding again.*
E: Now I'm going back!
By a miracle it was quiet from her for a while.
E: You're gonna miss the ten o'clock bus.
Me *stops again.*: Oh?
OM: Yeah, it's four to now. You can make it, but...
Me: Nah... *More interested in shagging.* I'll just call my Mum. *Gets stuck with that image in my head.* Just give me a moment here... *Tries catching my breath before continuing.*
Then we stopped because OM asked what boxers S had, cuz he was trying to find his own and we went back to the bedroom, someone with his dick standing straight up.
Me: Okay, where is my jeans? *Goes through the heap between the bed and wall.* Ah, come on, I need it.
E *with a freaked-out expression.*: Oh my God, I dreamt this! We had sex and then you couldn't find your trousers! It's just like the dream!
Me: Okay...
S rummaged a bit in the heap now on the bed and finds both his t-shirt and my jeans. We got dressed and ready to leave and well...
Me: I have the feeling I've forgot something. *Feels to check I have my bra, top, knickers, jeans, phone, etc.* Hmm...
E: Only your virginity.
Me *dryly*: Ha-ha.
Then we went home and I have a couple of more quotes, but I'm too tired to post them right now, I'm worn out after this extraordinary day... Riding is hard work, dammit!
Oh, no, wait, E called one of my jeans buttbling cuz it have these gems on the back-pockets.


Just cuz I really should be getting to bed:
[x] You drink a lot of tea
[ ] You know what a brolly is
[] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life
[ ] You wanted Ben to win Factor
[x] You use the word "bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell"
[ ] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[ ] You can eat a Full English Breakfast
[x] You dislike EMOS! almost as much as you dislike chavs
[x] It's football...not soccer

Total = 4

[] You wear flip flops all year
[] You love a backyard barbie
[x] You know a barbie is not just a doll
[x] You love the beach
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing
[ ] You're a sports fanatic
[ ] You are tanned
[] You're a bit of a bogan
[] You have an australian accent

Total =3

[] The Sopranos is a great show.
[] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[x] Your grandmother makes/made her own sauces.
[x] You know how a real meatball tastes like.
[] You know Italian songs.
[] You have dark hair and dark eye color
[ ] You can speak italian
[x] You are under 5'10''
[x] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world.
[x] You talk with your hands.

Total = 5

[] You say member instead of remember
[] You can speak Spanish
[x] You like tacos
[] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[ ] You have tanned skin
[] You know what a Puta is.
[] You talk fast occasionally.
[x] You have had highlights or dyed your hair.
[] You know what platanos are

Total = 2

[] You say villain as: Vee-lon
[x] You get short tempered
[] You know of somebody named Natasha
[x] You get cold easily
[] Rain is fun for you
[x] You get into contests all the time
[] You can easily make do with the cold weather

Total= 3

[x] You love to drink
[x] You have a bad temper
[] Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O'
[x] You have blue or green eyes.
[x] You like the color green.
[] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[] You have a family member from Ireland.
[] You have blonde hair
[x] You have/had freckles
[/] Your family get togethers always include drinking and/or singing

Total = 5.5

[] You say nigga/nukka casually
[] You have nappy hair
[] You like rap
[] You know how to shoot a gun
[] You think President George W. Bush is racist
[x] You like chicken
[x] You like watermelon
[] You can dance.
[] You can ‘sing’ gospel

Total = 2

[] You like rice a lot
[/] You are good at math
[] You have played the piano
[ ] You have family from Asia
[X] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[] Most people think you're Chinese
[ ] You call hurricanes, typhoons
[] You go to Baulko

Total = 1.5

[x] You like bread
[] You think American Chocolate is good
[] You speak some German
[x] You know what Schnitzel is
[] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[x] You went to Pre-school
[x] You're over 5'2"

Total =4

[] You like/play/played hockey
[] You love beer
[x] You say eh
[] You know what poutine is
[] You speak some french
[] You love Tim Horton's
[] At one point you lived in a farm house
[x] You watch/watched degrassi

Total = 2

[] Hate foreigners
[] Hate non-Christians
[x] Lazy
[] Not cultured
[x] Dislike abortion
[] Love the death penalty
[] Don't read
[] Shop at walmart
[] Think this bulletin is rather biased

Total = 2

[] You love taameya and foul
[] You always manage to buy something for 10% of the original price
[] You've never seen traffic lights before
[x] You don't mind if someone arrives late
[] You say insha allah after about everything
[] When you ask someone to wait a moment you make a 'crocodile' gesture with your hands while saying 'shwaya shwaya' or 'di'i'a wahda'
[x] You know a minute does not have to be 60 seconds
[]You hate the president

Total = 2

1 comment:

Elise said...

my and me friend..??
ekke det litt feil..?