Friday, June 5, 2009

Red Bull!

Don't give us Red Bull, we turn strange! Or, stranger....
First we was going to spend the night at my friend's, but we figured Red Bull would make us loud and giggly, so we ended up at my place. And I really found a way to make her moan! Sounds dirty, doesn't it? No, all I did was massage her... On the back, that is!

Have watched three episodes of Friends and both Madagascar movies. The little lion cub in the second gave me a cutegasm. Yep, that's what I said when seeing it.

We also discovered my mac have much more pictures of her than me... But I knew that already. It's like, her, her, her, kitty, her, her, her, oh my gosh one of myself! Her, her, her, her boobs, her... Yes, I commented on her boobs on several of the photos.
I have also been promoted to her mother, she called me Mum out of nowhere earlier.

Eeep! Meep! Eep! *Laughter*
We know we have problems.

I found a really itchy spot on her back. Now she's moaning again.


Shh, it's a quarter to seven in the morning and we're sleeping, except I ain't. Just have to add a quote that happened about fifteen minutes ago, when we both had finally tumbled into bed:
E: Mommy....
Me: No, I'm still not your mum.
E: Huh?
Me: You just said Mummy, but I'm not her.
E: Where are Mum and Dad?
Me: You're still sleeping...Where do you think we are?
E: But where are Mum and Dad?
Me: We are at my home and you are sleeping.
E: No, I'm not sleeping... Where are Mum and Dad?
Me: Home, I would guess...
E: Oh... Well, then... We are at your place and Mum and Dad are home... And I'm sleeping, 'cept I aren't... But I am. 
Me: Good night.
E: Yeah, good night...

Worst thing is, I don't think she'll remember it at all! XD She was asleep, even if her eyes were open. Well, I think it's time for a smoke for me and then another shot at sleeping.

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